Voting Reminder

Aug 30, 2012 11:13

Weekly Perfection
Drabble Contests for Autumn 2012
These tokens are for all Weekly Perfection contest participants. If you entered a drabble, you can claim that week's wee bit and add it to your collection. Autumn's contests will run in September, October, and November.

To refresh your memory on our community's contest rules, please visit our profile page.

Past Contests:

Week #220 - finale
Word Count - 100

Week #219 - can
Word Count - 300

Week #218 - frank
Word Count - 100

Week #217 - nut
Word Count - 200

Week #216 - tasteless
Word Count - 200

Week #215 - leak
Word Count - 100

Week #214 - landslide
Word Count - 200

Week #213 - suggestive
Word Count - 300

Week #212 - whole
Word Count - 100

Week #211 - sabotage
Word Count - 100

FanArt: You're So Fluffy by Lady Shieru

Week #210 - fib
Word Count - 400

Week #209 - tan
Word Count - 200

Week #208 - swarm
Word Count - 100

FanArt: Late by Sugar0o

Week #207 - numb
Word Count - 300

FanArt: Held by sugar0o

**Unless otherwise noted, the banner-maker for all Weekly Perfection banners was forthrightly.

Go back to Summer 2012's Weekly Perfection Page

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