Title: Wandering
Author: Reira
Genre: Romance, Drama
Rating: K+
Prompt: Sloth
Universe: Canon
Word Count: 100
Summary: Kagome was becoming a bad influence on his pups...
A/N: Will eventually be added to '
The Promise'.
Kagome wasn't sure when she started wandering with Sesshomaru. But following him wasn't as bad as she originally thought, it was calming and gave her some peace before she had to retreat and return to Inuyasha. So, Kagome pushed all bad thoughts to the back of her mind and enjoyed the moment.
Sesshomaru, however, suddenly stopped ahead of them and turned to face Kagome with a glare. "This Sesshomaru's son is becoming a sloth because of you, miko."
And surely enough, the young male pup had purposely fallen behind and moved slowly by Kagome's side, his adoration for her obvious.