Untarnished Dignity, Overwhelming Frustration [Spectrum Challenge -Violet]

Jul 19, 2012 18:03

Title: Untarnished Dignity, Overwhelming Frustration
Author: Hairann
Prompt: Spectrum Challenge - Violet
Genre: Friendship, Angst, Comfort
AU/CU: CU/Divergence
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions nudity, propositioning
Word Count: 3381
Summary: Sesshoumaru crosses the line.
Full story summary: Sometimes in order to correct the mistakes of the past, you have to start over from the beginning. Sometimes in order to achieve what you wish for most in the world, you have to be willing to give up everything else. Join Kagome as her wish throws her further back in time, to the moment she is needed the most.

Part 7 of Rewriting History. Yes I finally finished this chapter and challenge!

Though it had been slow going, I knew that day that it would not take too long for us to complete our new home. There was not much either of them could really do to help, but their willingness to try, their eagerness to help was enough to make my job seem that much easier. Sesshoumaru had not returned in the week since he left Jaken with us, but I was grateful for that. Not only did I not have to deal with him, but I also had Jaken's help.

Even without being able to do much with the building, he did manage to keep an eye on Inuyasha when I was busy and had even become a sort of playmate for him. They would chase each other around the clearing for hours, stopping only when I called them to a meal, before continuing again. I was actually quite surprised that the smaller demon was able to keep up with him, but I soon realized I had no idea how old Jaken was; in this time or in the future.

And that knowledge made me realize also that I have no idea what a toad demon might look like as a child. Were they smaller? Faces chubbier? Were they even able to leave the water? If toad demons started out as tadpoles anyways. I would have to remember to ask him at some point, but it would not be that day. I would have something far more aggravating weighing on my mind and wouldn't have time to worry about how old he was.

I had been working on the hut all day and the sun was just beginning to set. Wanting to get cleaned up before I lost the light, I instructed the two mini demons to keep an eye on each other and grabbed my bathing supplies. Though the water was far too cold at that time of the year to bath in the river, I could get by with a sponge bath if I was quick. And after a long day of sweating and getting dirty, I could suffer the cold for a little while.

After I sat my things down beside the river's edge, I quickly stripped down to my underwear; not worried about anyone stumbling upon me. It was far too cold for others to be out this far and they should all be heading in doors to eat their supper. In fact I would be starting ours the moment I arrived back at the clearing. If I did not, I would have two hungry and annoyed demons on my hands very quickly.

Sitting down on top of my clothes, I had begun bathing myself with the cold water from the river, paying little attention to what was going on around me. There was no reason for anyone to be nearby and I knew I did not need to worry about it; which is exactly why I felt a presence nearing just as I was finishing up. I tried to cover myself as best as I could even as I turned to glare at Sesshoumaru, finding him standing behind me; not even bothering to have the decency to look away.

“Rude much?!” I demanded as I threw the still wet rag I had been cleaning myself with at him, not bothering to take the time to care that he had easily dodged it. “I would have thought you had better manners than this, but I suppose I should not be surprised. The first time we met you just barged into my hut as though you owned the place. But do try to have at least some decency and turn around so I can get dressed.”

As I waited for him to do just that, I quickly found that I would be waiting a long while. Instead of giving me some privacy by turning his back, he simply looked me over for a moment before informing me, “You might as well leave those off. I wish to rut with you.” Thrown off by the sudden, and way out there idea of actually sleeping with Inuyasha's older brother, all I could do was stand there staring at him in shock for a long moment.

I had just about decided that I had to have misheard him, as that was quite possibly the most idiotic thing I could have ever heard coming from him, when I realized he was staring openly at the more intimate parts of my body that my hands were not quite covering. “Why? What possible reason could you have for asking me that?” I demanded as I quickly reached down for my haori and held it up in front of my naked body to at least give me some small amount of privacy.

“I am curious,” Sesshoumaru began and realizing he was intending on stopping there, I made sure to pin him with a stare that clearly stated that would not be enough. Though he made it sound as though he was intending to continue from the beginning, I decided having the answer was more important than informing him that I was not fooled. “I wish to know what it is like with a human. You are not fertile at the moment and would not risk it resulting in another half-breed.”

Though his words seemed completely out of character for the demon I thought I knew, at the same time they also seemed exactly like something he would say. Why should he care how insulting or hurtful it was to tell me that any child we might have had together would have been considered less than nothing by him; would have been an abomination like his half-brother? Why should it matter to him how horrible a first time could be for a human girl especially when it was reduced to nothing more than a loveless rut in the woods?

After I decided that yelling at him would do me no good, I simply shook my head at his thoughtlessness before quickly dressing while making sure to keep myself covered. Once I was sure that everything was back where it was supposed to be, I allowed my anger to rise to the surface and comfort me while I turned ice, cold eyes to him. “Sesshoumaru, there is no way in the seven hells that I am going to lose my virginity to someone just to appease their curiosity. The fact that you would even think I might, clearly shows me you do not even know the most basic things about me.”

Having said my piece, I moved to walked passed him so I could return to the camp and get dinner started for the two tiny demons who were probably already starting to get fussy from being hungry. But before I was able to get very far, Sesshoumaru stopped my escape by grabbing onto my arm and forcing me to remain where I was. “You never rutted with Inuyasha.”

Though he said it as a comment, it was not hard to hear the question in his words; as though such a thing was unimaginable to him. “No, our relationship never got anywhere near close to that point,” I informed him and once again moved to head back to camp, but soon found he had no intention of letting me go yet. Instead of asking him what he wanted, though it would not have been quite so polite, I turned my still cold eyes to his once more.

“So you intend on saving yourself until he is old enough?” he questioned almost as an accusation and before I could even realize what I was doing, my hand had slapped his cheek with all my strength with my free hand; causing a loud ringing to echo around us and for the spot to turn bright red almost instantly. Unable to prevent it and no longer caring how much emotion he saw from me, I ignored the tears that suddenly appeared.

“Not that it is any of your business, Sesshoumaru, but I no longer think of Inuyasha like that. How could I when I now know him as a scared, defenseless child? But you should not worry either way, for I will never sleep with you,” I vowed before wrenching my arm from his grasp and heading back toward the camp. Though I could hear his whispered words of confusion, I decided he did not deserve an answer.

“Who said anything about sleeping?”


Even as I returned to camp and found the two small demons waiting to be fed, I could still hear Sesshoumaru following behind me, but decided not to pay him any mind. If he didn't want to listen to what I had said, then I was not required to even bother acknowledging his presence. I put him as far from my mind as his overwhelming presence would allow me to and began setting up a pot of water to boil.

I had originally intended to make a healthier dinner that night, but I doubted, given the looks that I was receiving, that the two demons would be willing to wait that long. Cooking ramen was much faster and I had to admit, I was slacking when it came to seeing our dietary needs. Tomorrow, we definitely needed to have some meat.

As I realized the water was starting to boil, I tore open five packages of ramen, one for me, two for Jaken and three for Inuyasha, and dumped them into the pot. Though I knew he could eat more than three, I had long ago told him that that was the maximum he could have at one time. If he was still hungry after that, then there was some dried fruit that he could munch on.

As I waited for the noodles to cook, I couldn't help but feel the eyes burning into my back as I continued to ignore him. Wanting to piss him off a bit more and knowing he wouldn't attack me while I was unarmed and had my back to him, I decided to give Sesshoumaru a taste of just how rude he was being that visit. Making sure I kept my back to him while keeping an eye on dinner, I glanced toward Jaken to strike up a conversation.

"What I don't understand, Jaken, is how you can stand to travel with such an obnoxious demon. He is completely full of himself, never listens to a thing you say and then acts like you're an idiot when he does something wrong. Why do you put up with that?" I questioned, knowing the little guy would be unable to give me an answer even before the look of fear came over his eyes and he began glancing back and forth between Sesshoumaru and I.

Unconcerned about Sesshoumaru's reaction, as I was pretty sure I already knew what he would do, I began dishing up the ramen and passed it out, as though I had not just insulted the temperamental demon lord. Just as I had thought, it did not take long before he had growled behind me and suddenly his presence had disappeared completely.

He had disappeared once again and I found myself wondering when the moment was that he had no longer been able to attack me. Though I knew he wouldn't kill me for such words, as doing so would only help to prove them correct, the Sesshoumaru I knew in the future would at least threaten to strangle me for insulting him. What had changed?

Even as I thought these words, it dawned on me what had changed and made it so he couldn't kill me. The jewel. The wish must have done it, for if I die, I would not be able to be a positive influence on his life and, in fact, losing me this young might actually make things worse. But did that mean I could not die until I fulfilled the wish?

As I realized I had two set of impatient eyes staring at me and waiting for their second helpings, I turned my attention away from such thoughts and began to fill their bowls before finally turning my attention to my own dinner. It did not take Inuyasha long to scarf down that bowl and the third one I gave him and start to yawn; reminding me how late it was and just how long we had all been up working, or playing in their case.

"Bed time," I told Inuyasha as I began gathering up the bowls to wash them out before I headed to bed later. Though I had only been talking to him, I didn't realize until later that it was the first time I had not said his name after such instructions and never imagined Jaken could mistake the slip to mean I was speaking to him as well.

"I'm not tired," Jaken grumbled and thrown off, I almost laughed and assured him that I didn't mean him as well, but I started to think of how nice it would be to have some time to myself tonight and could remember what he was like in the future. If I could get him to listen to me now, then maybe I wouldn't have to deal with the rude, obnoxious Jaken later.

"Do not act like a child, Jaken. Look, even Inuyasha is acting more mature than you as he is already heading inside to lay down without any complaints. Now we still have a lot of work to do tomorrow so you need to get some sleep," I insisted, fighting the urge to laugh when he glared at me.

Grumbling under his breath about bossy wenches, he began making his way into the hut and I soon heard him get settled down for the night. Smiling to myself for that accomplishment, I began going over what we still needed to do tomorrow in my head. Though the hut was all but finished, we still needed to replace the things we lost in the fire. We had taken everything important, but most of the blankets and dishes that I had hunted or traded for had been destroyed.

There was a lot that would need to be replaced, especially with a third person living with us now. And I would need to go back for supplies soon and keep Jaken from finding out about Inuyasha's human night. I had managed to get rid of him last time by sending him out to hunt, but that wouldn't work every time and it wasn't my place to tell him Inuyasha's secret.

He may be nice enough and staying with us for now, but that didn't mean I had forgotten about the things he had tried to do in the future. If he knew Inuyasha's weakness, I did not doubt him and Sesshoumaru would try to use it against Inuyasha in the future.


It had been a few days since my past run in with Sesshoumaru and I was enjoying the break from him. Though he was rarely ever there, every time he did show up, I ended up feeling worn out and exhausted; as though his mere presence alone was enough to drain me of all my energy. Even without him being there, I had felt an overwhelming need to try and relax; stressed out both from his last visit and from the prospect of his next.

I had decided that the best way to relieve my stress and help myself relax was to put all of my energy into concentrating on something else. While Jaken and Inuyasha were inside taking their afternoon nap, I had opted to make my way outside and take a seat in the middle of the yard. It didn't matter that the ground was cold as it too would keep my mind off of him.

Without warning, as I was not expecting anyone to be around and need one, I began to draw out my powers until I could no longer feel them within me and then pulled them back in once I could no longer hold them outside of my body. It is a strange sensation, feeling your very power circling around your form; almost as if it was a corporal being. One all but impossible to explain, but it was doing its job of keeping my mind focused elsewhere and that was all that mattered.

It wasn't until the third time I had called my powers out, and could feel myself staring to become weak from the exertion, that I opened my eyes and found him standing in front of me. Not in the mood to deal with him, I decided it was best to ignore him as I closed my eyes once more and began working on the fourth time. He, however, apparently had other plans as he started dripping poison from his claws close enough to me that I could smell it.

“What do you want, Sesshoumaru? In case you have not noticed, I'm kind of busy,” I pointed out as I opened my eyes and glared at the demon who just stood there as though he had done nothing wrong. “Look Sesshoumaru, I do not have all day. The boys will be up from their nap soon and I have a lot to get done before they are. If you want something, say it and go. If not, just go,” I told him, not caring that I was being rude; it was exactly what he deserved at that moment.

“I have decided to be gracious just this once and give you the opportunity to apologize. You may begin,” Sesshoumaru informed me and unable to stop myself, not that I had really wanted to, I started laughing. For five whole minutes I just sat there laughing at the demon lord that must have been growing angrier my the minute, but I did not care. For him to actually think I owed him an apology after his behavior was bizarre even for him.

“Sorry to break it to you, oh great and powerful Sesshoumaru, but I have nothing to apologize for. In fact, if anyone needs to apologize, that would be you. But do not worry, I do not expect one from you since you have obviously yet to learn that you were the one who was wrong. I will not be holding my breath for you to realize your mistake,” I assured him before rising to my feet, finally giving up on any hope of getting anymore meditation done right now.

Even if he was to have left at that very moment, which I knew was unlikely, I would still have him on my mind too much to ever try to relax. “I am a demon lord, who are you to deny me a request let alone slap me for asking,” Sesshoumaru demanded, purposefully standing even taller so he could tower over me as much as possible. I could only assume that he figured it would intimidate me even more if he was an inch or two taller.

Sighing, I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head at him. “You know, I have never really been sure if I should be angry with you or pity you. I have finally figured it out; you are far too pitiful to remain angry at. But that is not entirely your fault, obviously your parents did a horrible job teaching you how to properly behave around others. Sesshoumaru, until you are ready to become a real member of sociality, I think it will be best if you stay away from me before I grow to hate you.”

“Very well, we shall see how much you like it when I am never around. Send Jaken to me when you are ready to apologize and learn your place,” Sesshoumaru told me before turning around and disappearing back into the surrounding forest. For a long moment I just stood there, thinking I should have kicked him in the shin, but eventually decided the pleasure I would have gotten from such an act would have been short lived.

2012 term 2, -canon universe, -friendship, -angst, hairann, *spectrum challenge, -hurt/comfort

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