Mock Trial by alwayskougacola [Oneshot #95]

May 08, 2012 19:57

Title: Mock Trial

Author: alwayskougacola

Theme: Convenience

Genre: Drama, Angst, Humor

Rating: T

Warnings: adult situation insinuation and language

Word Count: 1020

Summary: “As a black belt, you are to warn others that your body is a weapon. Are you not?” Kouga asked. “In a normal situation, yes, but when a man is ripping off your clothes and he is beating you with a large rock… you tend to forget formalities.” Kagome replied with heat.

Sesshomaru sat quietly in his leather recliner reading and taking notes for the mock trial in which was to be his final for his Criminal Law Applications class. Sesshomaru was the defense attorney and Kouga Wolf would be the prosecutor. The case they had been given was Justifiable Homicide. The professor provided the evidence and related paperwork, letting the law students choose those to represent the defendant and witnesses.

“Come on Sessh, it’s time to party,” Kagome complained as she sprawled on his black leather couch. “All work and no play makes you duller than usual.”

“Kagome, you are my ‘client’, do you not wish to be represented to the best of my ability?” Sesshomaru replied his golden eyes never leaving the materials before him.

“Ugh, we’ve practiced and I know the case, just trust me. You know those pesky emotions you despise, are quite convenient to a recently attacked female with possible PTSD, male paranoia, plus aggression and tears on tap,” Kagome replied.

“I will see you tomorrow,” Sesshomaru replied with a defeated sigh. Her scent helped calm him and made studying a pleasure... not that he would share such intimate details with his best friend.

Kagome’s blue eyes twinkled in mischief as she leaned down and kissed Sesshomaru’s magenta striped cheek, “Don’t worry Sessho.”

The next morning Sesshomaru put on his black suit, white shirt and magenta tie. Pulling his silver locks into a low ponytail, he felt prepared. Grabbing his organized briefcase, he left for the university.

Kouga was wearing a similar ensemble, except with a light blue shirt and black tie. “Where is your defendant hiding?” Kouga teased.

“Inside most likely, she wished to discuss something with the professor.” Sesshomaru replied as he left the wolf behind to find the ‘court room’.

The Professor took his place as Judge with the remaining students acting as jury, bailiff, clerk and stenographer.

Sesshomaru was stunned to see a very demure woman emitting a painful aura with a black eye and stitches marring her check and forehead in place of where Kagome should be sitting. Emotions and stage make-up were most definitely helpful.

Sesshomaru stood and gave his opening statement concerning his client was using self defense to eliminate the threat of rape and death.

Kouga stood next giving his opening statement that such lethal force was unnecessary, and there was no evidence of rape or attempted rape.

Kouga called 3 witnesses. Objections were constantly leaving Sesshomaru’s beautiful mouth. “Objection, your Honor. Hearsay, a tweet stated by an ex-girlfriend does not prove homosexuality. Objection. The witness has no personal knowledge that would enable her to answer this question.”

Kouga was fuming, as he watched Sesshomaru confuse and discredit his witnesses. Except for Miroku who was the 'police psychologist', who believed the defendant had acted in self defense.

Sesshomaru called Kagome to the stand. Kouga sat amazed, she was good… she looked every inch the broken woman. Sesshomaru asked her about the day in question, and Kouga watched as sympathy entered the eyes of the jury members.

Kouga strutted up to Kagome and she pushed herself back away from him.

“As a black belt, you are to warn others that your body is a weapon. Are you not?” Kouga asked.

“In a normal situation, yes, but when a man is ripping off your clothes and beating you with a large rock… you tend to forget formalities.” Kagome replied with heat.

“Mr. Smith had no idea you are a lethal weapon?”

“Would his actions be more satisfactory if he attacked a woman on that walking path unable to defend herself?” Kagome snapped back.

“Answer the question,” the professor/judge prodded.

“No, Mr. Smith did not ask for my credentials before he beat and tried to rape me.”

“Rape, is hearsay, no fluids were found.”

“That monster haunts my dreams. Would you like me to describe his dick in detail? Would that convince you?” Kagome cried.

Kouga had no ready response for that.

“Could you tell the court how you escaped?” Kouga asked.

“I had pretended to pass out from all the blows to my head, so his hold relaxed. I pushed him off me and ran, I didn’t look back.”

“You never saw what happened to Mr. Smith from your ‘push’?”


“His head connected with rocky path and he died from the trauma. Do you regret his death?”

“Imagine everything you once thought safe, a walk in the park, walking to the convenience store or going on a date, now imagine all of that safety taken away. Always feeling that someone is right behind you, never feeling clean no matter how often you wash, wondering what you did to deserve this hell…” Kagome replied as tears streamed down her face. “If his death saves one person from what I feel everyday, I feel no regret, but I do feel sorry for him.”

“Oh Kagome,” Kouga whispered, this was killing him. Sesshomaru was a bastard, he knew Kagome tears were his weakness. “Council rests.”

Sesshomaru and Kouga presented their closing arguments. Sesshomaru left the passion and emotion to Kagome, as he remained steady with the facts. Ending with a quote by Titus Livius, “No law can possibly meet the convenience of every one: we must be satisfied if it be beneficial on the whole and to the majority.”

Kouga spoke with passion that no person should be exempt from the law, and begged the jury to use their common sense instead of their bleeding hearts.

A recess was given for the Judge/Professor and Jury of students to decide the grades and their verdict.

“I can’t believe you guys want to deal with that for a living,” Kagome said with a shake f her head.

“Our little social worker has probably seen worse,” Kouga replied.

“Hmph,” Kagome replied not admitting anything. “I think they’re calling us.”

“You have impressed me, I apologize for my doubt,” Sesshomaru whispered to Kagome before they entered the classroom. “It is a convenience for this Sesshomaru… a defense mechanism to expect fallibility.”

Kagome looked into his golden eyes… then smacked him upside his head, “Well stop it!”

alwayskougacola, -alternate universe, =oneshot, -angst, -drama, =oneshot #095 convenience, -comedy, 2012 2q

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