Decisions, Decisions by OneNotToBeTrusted [Drabble #189]

May 05, 2012 13:10

Title: Decisions, Decisions
Author: OneNotToBeTrusted
Prompt: Limb - Drabble# 189 The Weekly Perfection
Word Count: 200
Genre: Romance, Humor, Family Life
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary: Sesshoumaru has ulterior motives for picking that particular branch to keep watch from.
AN:  ‘Thoughts’  “Dialogue”

Kagome closed her eyes and smiled softly, content with the sun on her face and the sounds of laughter in her ears. It was a beautiful summer afternoon and the family was enjoying it on their favorite hillside. She had taken her usual spot beneath the oak tree, watching as their girls splashed about in the pond.

The summer breeze caressed her skin and a few green leaves landed in her hair. As she gently set them free, her eyes were drawn upward into the branches where she knew her protective mate had claimed a tree limb for his own.

She smiled up at him, knowing he could see her even if she couldn’t quite spot him. He had confided to her once that he favored the branch for its view. From it, he could keep an eye on their mischievous offspring, their home, their lands, and of course her.

What she didn’t know was that her mate had taken another factor into account when he had deemed the limb advantageous. A large part of his decision had been made when he had pleasantly discovered that if he shifted just so he could see down the front of Kagome’s kimono.

-family, -canon universe, -romance, -comedy, 2012 2q, =drabble, =drabble #189 limb, onenottobetrusted

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