A Sweet Beginning by Kaoruhana [Six Course Challenge]

May 02, 2012 20:21

Title: Sweet Beginning
Author: Kaoruhana
Prompt: Six-Course Challenge - Dessert
Genre: Romance
AU/CU: Alternate Universe
Rating: T
Warnings: OC characters
Word Count: 868
Summary: Sesshomaru and Kagome finally come to a conclusion.
A/N: Sixth installment of “A Sweet Beginning”

Kagome was confused.  She really had no idea what Sesshomaru had thought about the kiss.  It had been two days since then and she hadn’t heard anything from him about it.  He wasn’t home when she arrived and had come home around eight last night- far too late than usual.  Was he avoiding her and did he regret the kiss?  She hoped that he didn’t.

Kagome found herself looking outside her window every few minutes waiting to see if Sesshomaru’s car was coming up his driveway.  It was nearly nine and she was worried.  What if something had happened to him at work?  A ring from her phone cut her musings short and she ran to pick it up wondering who was calling her now.

Sesshomaru cursed his work.  He hated working overtime and yet he was forced to do just that since his father had taken a week off to settle matters with Rin.  He wondered why his brother wasn’t here- surely his wife wouldn’t mind.  It seemed that everyone thought he had nothing better to do and so all the work was pushed on him.

He sighed as he stared at the clock- it read nine-thirty.  Rin had called him earlier and asked him why he wasn’t with Kagome.  He told her curtly of his work and then hung up.  Sesshomaru picked up the take-out on his desk and dumped the empty boxes in the trash before he shut down his computer and left the office.  Someone else could take the brunt of his work for a change.

He arrived home around ten at night noticing something near his door as he pulled up into the driveway.  What- or more specifically who- was the person sitting on his front porch?  Sesshomaru made his way to the door and stopped short as he noticed it was Kagome.

“Sesshomaru-san, how are you?”  Kagome had gotten a call from Rin earlier that night and had, just a few minutes ago, decided to wait outside her neighbor’s house.  It was almost summer so the nights were pleasant and she enjoyed sitting outside.  Now, as she noticed the expression on Sesshomaru’s face she wondered if she had done the right thing.

“What are you doing here?” Sesshomaru opened the door and walked inside, with Kagome following.  He hoped that she hadn’t been outside for long.

“Rin told me you had extra work at the office.  I thought that we could talk about what happened a few days ago and so I decided to wait for you.”

“Talk about what happened?”  he asked carefully, trying hard not to sound insecure.  She steeled herself before speaking the sentence that she had perfected in her mind.

“Well, to put it simply, I’d like to think that the kiss was a precursor to something more.  I kind of like the idea of you and me being in a relationship.”

“You do?”  he asked happy.  “I admit I like the idea as well.”  He paused as he tried to figure out what to say next.  “Perhaps we could go out to dinner this Friday?”

“That sounds great.”  She wondered suddenly why she had come at night to have this discussion.  Hesitantly, she got up to leave but was stopped.

“Stay.”  Kagome’s questioning eyes had Sesshomaru try to explain.  “I mean, you don’t have to, but I just thought you would like something to eat or-“  He was cut short by a kiss.

“I’d like to stay,” she admitted suddenly feeling a little shy, “but I just…”  Trailing off she wasn’t sure what she wanted to stay.  Perhaps she needed some reassurance that it was okay to spend the night with him, after all, she didn’t normally do things like this.  Seeing the confusion in her eyes, Sesshomaru leaned down and whispered against her lips.

“I won’t do anything you don’t want.” He caught Kagome’s lips in a heated kiss that tasted slightly of chocolate and hazelnut and couldn’t help but wonder if he was the luckiest man alive for being able to kiss the woman in front of him.  Pulling away, he picked her up, and carried her to the bedroom loving it when she blushed and begged him to put her down.  Yes, she was willing to give him her company and really that’s all he really could care about right now.

Once inside, he let her down and proceeded to loosen his tie, surprised when a pair of hands stopped him.

“May I?”  He didn’t say a word as she proceeded to remove him of his suit.  When his tie came off after the suit, he’d decided he’d had enough.

He kissed her again, this time taking it slow and moving one of his hands around her waist.  Reaching for the tie holding her hair together, he pulled it down and the two tumbled onto his bed.  For Sesshomaru this was the best treat he could ever get. He was insanely happy and loved how Kagome’s skin tasted like peaches- his new favorite fruit.  Kagome couldn’t help but think that it was a fitting end to an insane attraction as his lips ghosted over her neck and was glad that she’d finally found him.

*six-course challenge, -alternate universe, kaoruhana, 2012 2q, -romance

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