Stayed Hand by aimee_blue [Drabble # 186]

Apr 16, 2012 16:13

Title: Stayed Hand
Author: aimee_blue
Prompt: Harsh
Words: 300
Rating: K+
Genre: General, humour, friendship.
Summary: CU. Sesshoumaru and Kagome get caught in a storm and Sesshoumaru finds himself at a loss.

Stiffening as the miko huddled closer to his side, Sesshoumaru cursed the sudden shift in the weather and the harsh storm which made them seek shelter.

When he’d first come across Kagome in the cave, he’d intended to kill her and claim the space; he loathed sharing. But then she’d beamed up at him and offered him a cup of tea from the curious thermos that she carried and he’d been rendered unable of decapitation for the first time in his life. It was a humbling thought.

Sesshoumaru loathed being humbled.

Glancing at the girl from the corner of his eye, he wondered if that wasn’t why she travelled with his brother. He’d assumed the hanyou lusted for her but, now, he wondered if she hadn’t blindsided the hanyou with that guileless smile; rendering him unable to kill her.

Kagome noted his sidelong look and tilted her head curiously. “What are you thinking about?”

A truthful reply was on the tip of his tongue; that he was thinking about killing her. Yet, that sweetly curious expression rendered him incapable of delivering the verbal barb. Falling back on his customary snootiness, he tilted his chin and gazed away into the storm.

“I love the rain,” she hummed, even as she huddled into his body heat. He twitched; he hated to be touched.

She seemed fond of idle chatter, something the silence-loving demon was unused to. It was only adding to the impulse to kill her. Maybe, he mused, if he didn’t look at her he could actually muster the ability to kill that was normally so instinctual.

No, that stank too much of cowardice.

Resolved, Sesshoumaru turned on her; claws raised, but closed his eyes in resignation and accepted the second cup of tea she’d offered.

That godforsaken smile of hers.

-canon universe, -gen!fic, =drabble #186 harsh, -comedy, 2012 2q, =drabble, -friendship, aimee blue

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