Fear by OneNotToBeTrusted [Drabble#184]

Mar 30, 2012 22:02

Title: Fear
Author: OneNotToBeTrusted

Theme: Fault - The Weekly Perfection #184
Genre: Drama, Humor, Suspense
Rating: .K+
Warnings: None
Word Count: 200Summary: When Sesshoumaru mated Kagome, Inuyasha had known his life would be miserable, but he never imagined this.

Inuyasha was familiar with fear, had lived with it every day of their quest, but he never feared for himself… until now.

He surveyed the scene with horror and his hands trembled slightly in anticipation, knowing that any second he would be over-powered.The scent of his fear had five pairs of blue eyes swiveling his way, predatory grins on their demonic features.

They attacked as one.


“Get off runts!” He demanded, but his protests were ignored.

“I want to do his hair!”

“Me too, me too!!”

“I’m going to paint his claws!”

“I want the make-up!”

“I’ll pick out a kimono!”

He could only sit in silent horror as they forced a make-over on him. After many tortuous hours they finally tired themselves out so he could escape.He was still picking glitter from his hair when he heard a voice.

“Problems, Inuyasha?” Sesshoumaru taunted.

“You! This is your fault!” he roared accusingly.

He whirled around, claws ready to attack, when the littlest stumbled over with a photo.

“Daddy, wook!”

Inuyasha changed direction to snatch it, but Sesshoumaru was faster. Kagome erupted in gasping giggles behind him when she continued:

“He’s not as pwetty as you were, Daddy.”

-drama, -alternate universe, =drabble #184 fault, -comedy, 2012 1q, =drabble, onenottobetrusted

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