WFD: Posturing by Avadrea [Drabble #182]

Mar 20, 2012 00:47

Title: Posturing
Author: Avadrea
Prompt: prompt
Word Count: 400 (according to word)
Genre: Romance
Universe: Cannon
Rating: T (because she is naked)
Warnings: Poor thing, she is still naked.
Summary: Possession is nine tenths of the law.  Or so Sesshoumaru would say.
A/N:  Continuation of Waiting For Dawn

The furry appendage clenched tighter around her, its fine hairs bristled with the rage Kagome could feel crackling like lightning in the air around her.  Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed at the okami’s their normal soft gold was swiftly sinking under a flood of red as the angry thrumming in his chest rose to a full snarling growl.   
“You would challenge me?”  The inu flexed his claws threateningly.  The joints of his fingers cracked and popped as the tips took on a green glow.

“I’ve come to get my woman if that’s what you mean.  I don’t know how you got her away from mutt face, and I don’t care.  She isn’t for you.”

Sesshoumaru drew his lips back in a snarl, venom dripping from the tips of his deadly claws.  “So you say.  Yet here she is, in my den, covered in my scent.  I have her.”

“Not for long you don’t!”  Kouga pawed the ground once with each foot kicking up a small cloud of dirt before falling into a fighting stance; his fists clenched and held level with his face.

Kagome suppressed the urge to roll her eyes as the two demons postured in front of her.  What was it with male canine demons?  It seemed as if there was some cosmic law dictating that if any two demons of dog persuasion come within twenty yards of each other they had to find something to fight over.  Swords, women, chips, it didn’t matter what, as long as the territorial displays of dominance eventually escalated to blows.

Those arguments where bad enough, Kagome felt she needed to nip this little war in the bud.  “It’s all right Kouga.  Sesshoumaru won’t hurt me. “

Koga’s fists dropped limply to his side in surprise as he stared at her with a dumfounded expression.  “Of course he won’t hurt you.  He winnowed you!  No demon with any honor would ever harm his choice.”


“Don’t worry about it Kagome.  I’ve come to save you.”  Kouga gave her a confident wink as he drew his fists up again.  He turned to Sesshoumaru and a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.  “I’d give my left nut before I gave you up to a mangy dog.

Sesshoumaru tilted his chin back to look down his nose at the cocky wolf.  “Take her from me, if you can.”

That was all the prompting Kouga needed.

avadrea, -canon universe, -romance, 2012 1q, =drabble, =drabble #182 prompt

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