Kagome's case of inaudible warnings by sophie310 [Oneshot #90]

Mar 08, 2012 21:38

Title: Kagome's case of inaudible warnings
Author: sophie310
Prompt: First Aid
Words: 1,304
Rating: K
Genre: Humor, Romance
Summary: She warned her friend but she didn't listen and got her heart broken, so she warned him and he decided to follow her

“Today is that day!” exclaimed Eri loudly, causing her friends to cover their ears. Ayumi blinked at her.

“What day?” she asked curiously.

“Today I’m going to tell Sesshoumaru-kun how much I love him!”

“You are so brave. Sesshoumaru-san is scary,” Ayumi whispered, looking around fearfully as if the said youkai was hiding somewhere, just waiting to pounce on her. The third girl, Yuka nodded at her words.

“You’re right, but he’s also so hot.” The three girls sighed dreamily. Kagome, who sat next to them, shook her head.

“You’re crazy,” she said calmly, never looking away from her book. Three pairs of eyes turned to her with furry.

“You’re such an iceberg Kagome-chan! Any person with pair of eyes can tell Sesshoumaru-kun is the hottest man alive.” Kagome huffed with irritation, running her hand through her slightly tangled dark locks.

“I know, but his personality leaves much to be desired. He’s jerk.” The girls giggled, neither of them trying to deny that statement. Everyone in the school knew the young daiyoukai wasn’t the nicest person. Eri shrugged carelessly.

“If I can get my hold on him I don’t care!” Kagome rolled her eyes, causing her friends to laugh at her behavior.


Sesshoumaru looked with boredom at the young woman fidgeting before him. All of her, her coy smile, delicate blush, got on his nerves. He already hated her with all of his passion.

“So… um… I-I wanted to tell you… how much I like you Sesshoumaru-kun and if you would like…”

He couldn’t stand that anymore.

“Silence. Your feelings are unreturned and unwanted. Do not waste my time.” Poor Eri gaped at the boy for a whole ten seconds before giving miserable sob and bursting in tears. She would have probably collapsed, if her friends wouldn’t ran to her and caught her in last possible moment. At this point Sesshoumaru’s mood was ruined beyond repair. He didn’t even try to hold back deep growl that escaped him, when one of the girl’s friends jumped before him, her blue eyes sending thunders his way.

The young inu glared right back. After all, he was king of thunderous scowl.

“You’re jerk. I hope karma is going to get you. If not I would do just that,” and if to prove her point she slapped his swirling youki with her miko power. Sesshoumaru blinked at her.

“That all you have to tell me, girl? Your threat is pathetic at most.” The girl shrugged carelessly.

“Why should I waste my time on someone like you? You’re all bark, but no bite.”


“And that’s exactly why I prefer cats,” and with a sweep of her hair the girl turned away, guiding her friends away. Sesshoumaru was left to stare at her back.


Kagome sat at her desk, her eyes firmly focused on her teacher’s face, desperately trying to ignore the stare her back was receiving. She knew exactly who was watching her so intently. As if to answer her thoughts clawed hand caught her hair and gently tugged on them.

“You’re ignoring me.”

“Thank you for stating the obvious. Let go of me Sesshoumaru.” The boy smirked, allowing her to escape his hold. The girl huffed. From that fateful day when she called him jerk, she did everything to avoid him, but Sesshoumaru seemed to follow her like a shadow.

“Today we’re going to practice first aid,” called Kikyou-sensei, looking at her students. They groaned in reply. “Now, I’ll pair you up so we can start,” the woman smiled gleefully looking back at the class register.

“Okay so Aizawa-kun, you’ll work with Matsumoto-chan, Sato-chan with Chiba-kun, Fujimoto…” and so it went. Finally, Kagome heard one thing she dreaded to hear.

“Higurashi-chan your partner would be Yoshida-kun.” The girl’s head hit her desk. That couldn’t be happening!

“All right! Let’s get started. Sit together. One of you is going to bind others ankle, the other person would bind his or hers wrist. Get to work!” With unwilling sighs, the young people did as she said.

Kagome didn’t move, until dark shadow fell on her. She noticed the smirk that was decorating inu’s face.

She hissed at him.

“Hnn. Seems that karma got back to you.”

“I’m good girl, your company isn’t good.” The youkai sat next to her, absently playing with one of dark locks.

“You called me jerk. You deserve to be punished.” Kagome huffed, pushing his hand away from her hair.

“You are jerk. I can’t be punished for stating the truth.” The man shrugged, his hand suddenly landed on her knee.

“Eek! What do you think you’re doing?” The girl protested, trying to push his hand away, this time with no success.

“Doing what Kikyou-sensei said, I’m going to bandage your ankle,” youkai murmured taking of her sock. The girl blushed, feeling how his claws scrapped her skin lightly.

“W-why?! I would prefer if you would bandage my wrist!” The smirk he sent her way caused cold shiver that ran down her back.

“I prefer to look at your leg. Now hush woman, let me do my magic.” For some reason Kagome wasn’t sure he was talking about swathing her leg. Her doubt only increased when he raised her leg and put it on his knee. Poor girl made sure to check if her skirt wasn’t showing too much, before glaring at the youkai.

“You do not look so serious when you’re blushing,” the boy pointed.

“I hate you,” she murmured. Sesshoumaru smirked again, slowly binding her leg. He was very careful and gentle what caught her by surprise. She was sure he was going to tease her all the time. He patted her knee signalizing that his task was finished.

“Doctor’s advice, if it hurts please return for healing kiss.” The girl squealed, another blush spreading over her cheeks.

“As if I want a kiss from you.”

“Hnn. Not yet, but after third date I’m sure, you wouldn’t be so reluctant.”

“I would never go on a date with you,” the miko said firmly, taking hold of the boy’s wrists. Sesshoumaru looked at her seriously.

“Why not?”

“You broke Eri’s heart. I’m loyal to my friends.” This time the man huffed in irritation.

“She healed it quite quickly taking from the way she’s hanging on Aizawa all the time.” Kagome paled, it seemed he knew Eri was dating Hojo.

“That not the only thing I have against you,” she added quickly. Sesshoumaru leaned closer so their foreheads nearly touched.

“I’m listening,” he whispered in her ear.

“W-well,” the girl murmured, suddenly uneasy with their nearness. “I think all girls in school admitted their feelings to you and you pushed them all away.”

“Not every. You still didn’t do that.” Kagome blushed, quickly finishing her bandaging work.

“I have no intentions on doing that. I don’t like you.” Her hand was caught before she could move it away from his wrist. Their eyes met.

“Very well. Your feelings are returned. I’ll come for you on Saturday’s evening. We would go to the cinema and then we’ll eat something.”


“Fine. You can choose the movie.”

“B-but I just said I don’t like you!” At this point all students were looking at them curiously. Sesshoumaru ignored them whatsoever.

“You’re horrible liar, little miko. Your blushes show that, at least, you’re attracted to me. Since your friend already recovered from my refusal, you can date me without feeling guilty. I’ll come for you at five. Be ready.” The bell rang announcing end of the classes. Sesshoumaru leaned closer, lying quick kiss on the girl’s cheek, before leaving the classroom.

Kagome slowly touched her cheek, never noticing three girls that ran to her side. It took almost five minutes before she looked at them, concern swirling in her blue eyes.

“What am I going to wear?”

AN: Both title and summary sucks, but I blame my fever. It slows down my thinking process :(

-alternate universe, =oneshot, -romance, -comedy, 2012 1q, =oneshot #090 first aid, sophie310

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