The Laughter of Prodigal Light, by LyraintheDark [Seven Treasures Challenge]

Dec 22, 2011 20:39

Title: The Laughter of Prodigal Light
Author: LyraintheDark   
Prompt: Crystal
Word Count: 600
Rating: T
Genre: Action, Drama, Romance
Universe: Alternate
Summary: He is the Pirate King, buried in boredom and wealth. On the prompting of a dream, he will journey across the sea - seeking a woman, who may be the rarest treasure of all.
A/N: This is the sixth chapter of "Sunlight and Shadow".  It can be found here:

- Seven Treasures Challenge -


The Laughter of Prodigal Light

Sesshomaru eyed the woman, Higurashi Kagome. He knew that family, that name.

“Your grandfather's shrine?”

“Yes. Recently, my grandfather placed a large bounty on a polyp of -”

“I know of this, miko.”

He saw that she was disturbed by this statement.

“ do?”

“Yes. I have heard many men discussing a great bounty, placed on a polyp of blue-flower coral. An item of great rarity. Tell me, Kagome...”

His voice lingered on her name, caressing it.

“Why so reticent now? On deck you spoke of my beating heart -”

Purposefully, he injected venom into his voice...and was surprised by her reaction.

“You're no real pirate!”

She laughed, a sound like quartz bells.

Sesshomaru shook his head, wondering at her; at how she blossomed when he provoked her.

“You are wrong, Kagome.”

He stepped toward her, looming over her - small, human, vulnerable by nature.

“I am Sesshomaru; I am the Pirate King! Are you not afraid? I am a demon; I am the lord of a terrible host -”

Her fingers reached out, no trembling in them. She touched the marks on his cheeks, stroked them, felt the smoothness of his skin. Against his own will, he sucked in a gasp of breath.

Her fingers were cool against his face.

“Sesshomaru....the Pirate King. I'm sure mama would like to meet you; grandfather will hate you, but perhaps he will be happy enough to see me that it won't matter.”

She leaned closer to him, and stood on the tips of her toes.

“What I said on the deck means that I have been waiting for you...since...forever.”

She brushed her lips, warm and delicate, across his lips - and then looked at him with great and sudden humor in her mismatched eyes.

“Should I call you my lord, Pirate King? Or did you forget that I am a pirate too?”

~~~ - - ~~~

For eight days after that, they sailed together toward unknown reefs in coastal waters, Fang of Heaven leading across the dark ocean, Lady of Mercy following behind.

The first three days, Kagome stayed on her own ship, treading the water of her thoughts, making decisions. She had kissed Sesshomaru at the instigation of her instincts, but the experience had been...exhilarating, made her heart race the way it did when she in combat.

The second three days, Kagome spent on Fang of Heaven, telling Sesshomaru her tales - the long closed-in future of life as a shrine maiden, the dark days of purity and abstinence from which she had run away. She told him of her first ship, and working as a cabin boy under the shroud of her prepubescence. She told him of discovery and her first kill, made in the dark; of learning, from that day forward, the arts of the sword.

She told him of taking her first captaincy at the point of her blade, and then she sat back, and listened as Sesshomaru reciprocated. He gave her more than she had expected - more truth, more history, more time, more intimate details. She learned of his birth in the era of war between men and demons; she learned of the death of his father, the destruction of his inheritance, the blazing fires of youki and holy power....

And she learned of the sea, of the call that pulled him out of the burned memories of his father's lands and onto the tides and the ripples and the endless encircling waves.

The final two days, she remained beside him, caught up in the burning tremors of his love.


Word Count: 600

Prompt: Crystal

A/N: Have you ever heard a quartz bell? Me neither :p But wow, I love metaphors! :D :D And man, did that one give me no rest! Oh- and yes, this title is yet another quote from Pablo Neruda - Sonnet # 51 this time :D Only one chapter left!

Please Review!

2011 4q, -drama, -alternate universe, -action, lyrainthedark, -romance, *seven treasures challenge

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