Title: Aftermath
Author: Unwritten92
Prompt: Secret
Genre: Angst/Drama
Rating: T
Word Count: 100
Warning: Angst and a sad Sesshy.
Summary: The future becomes dim after the accident.
A/N: Will be added to "It's only the beginning" in the near future.
It hurt him, to see her the way she looked now.
The accident had ripped their future from their hands leaving him to pick up the pieces. She had kept the most important piece of her life a secret from him.
Brain tumour, it’s what the doctors had told him after he woke in the hospital. The accident had caused damage to her frontal lobe and temporal lobe, leaving her in a coma she had yet to wake from.
The part that hurt him the most was that maybe, if she ever woke up, she wouldn’t remember him.