Title: Image of Death
Author: A Mystic Lady
Theme: Mount
Genre: Dark, Drama
Rating: T
Word Count: 200
AN: AU Part of
Witness Protected?Summary:Not Beta'd Mirror, Mirror on the wall, what kind of death will fall.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, nor do I make a profit from this little bit of writing.
Her gaze was trapped in the mirror as a dark hooded figure behind her raised a kusarigama over her head. She screamed as the curved blade fell, shattering the mirror and littering the floor with red staind glass showing a vacant eyed image of herself.
Turning swiftly she tried to find her way out of the mirrored corridor. Using the floor as a guide she avoided looking at the mirrors, for behind her multiple images was the images of her killer. It stalked her in slow measured steps that some how was only just a few steps behind her fast pace run.
Skidding to a stop at a sudden dead end she frantically searched for a hidden passage. Keeping her eyes to the floor she tried to control her mounting fear. The last thing she remembered was looking into the eyes of some pod made version of herself. How she got here she didn’t know, much less how to get out.
A glint of light pulled her eyes to the mirrors in time to see the death blow and the mirror shattered. But instead of gazing at her dead reflection she ran through the opening provided into a dark room.