Irresistible Urges by Forthright [Oneshot #83]

Nov 17, 2011 23:53

Title: Irresistible Urges
Author: Forthright
Theme: Ungodly Hour
Genre: Drama, Advenvture
Rating: PG13
Words: 700
A/N: This will eventually be added to Lord Charming, in which Sesshoumaru kidnaps an adviser
Summary: CU. Kagome indulges her whims, and Sesshoumaru lets her.

Irresistible Urges
Kagome smiled softly. Sesshoumaru-sama always seems so stoic, but even he relaxes when he’s asleep. Dark lashes brushed pale cheeks, and slightly-parted lips gave her a peek at two fangs. Her brushing slowed to a stop, but his breathing never changed. He’s really out of it.

Recognizing a rare opportunity, she set aside the hairbrush to run her fingers through his hair. It slipped like silk through her fingers, spun silver with an iridescent sheen. Impulsively, she scooted closer, piling the abundance into her lap until she could reach. Holding her breath, Kagome tentatively scratched the inu-youkai behind one ear.

The triumphant taiyoukai had earned his pampering, but Kagome wasn’t sure how far he’d let her trespass. Easy now! When her nails gently scraped against his scalp, Sesshoumaru shifted in his sleep, humming under his breath. Emboldened, she expanded the scope of her ministrations, rubbing slow circles to the nape of his neck and back again. Her continued survival was a good sign. I live; therefore, I please! Just then, a deep rumble erupted from his chest, a stead thrum that sounded for all the world like purring. Smothering a giggle, Kagome inwardly exulted, Now, that’s an even better sign!

Truly risking life and limb, Kagome daringly fluffed through Sesshoumaru’s bangs, then let her fingertips drift down to massage his temples. His responses were fascinating, and she wasn’t sure why she wanted to encourage stronger reactions... but she did.

She smoothed her thumb over the stripes decorating the taiyoukai’s cheekbone, and he arched into her touch, begging for more. Entranced, Kagome stroked his markings, all the while wondering what would happen if Sesshoumaru woke. He might be annoyed. At that moment, he drew a deep breath, releasing it in a soft groan that made her blush. He doesn’t sound annoyed.

Sesshoumaru woke with a rumble in his throat and his instincts in an uproar. Someone was stroking his markings, sending sparks through his whole body, and arousal clouded his mind. The last thing he remembered was... Kagome.

The inu-youkai was honestly at a loss on what to do, for the miko couldn’t know what she was doing. She balks at kisses, but ignorantly lavishes even greater intimacies. Drawing a shaky breath, Sesshoumaru searched for some shred of composure, but it wasn’t easy. Grooming was one matter, but this... this was the sort of thing one did in a trysting cave.

When she realized Sesshoumaru was watching her from under his lashes, Kagome stilled. “Oh,” she murmured, flushing guiltily. “Erm... is this okay?”

“I will not ask you to stop,” he replied, reaching up and slowly wrapping her hair around his fingers. Holding her gaze, he gave the glossy lock a gentle tug.

Kagome’s gaze dropped briefly to his mouth. “Did you want something?”

His lips quirked, and he agreed, “Hnn.”

“Oh,” she repeated breathlessly.

Sesshoumaru doubted Kagome would go so far as to kiss him. Not after all the fuss earlier.

Once again, the young woman managed to surprise him.

Her first touch was barely there, a skittish brush of lips that only teased. Hoping for more, Sesshoumaru simply waited, helpfully angling his head to accept Kagome’s next caress. Her gaze drifted shyly, then found his. He blinked lazily. Giving her hair another gentle tug, he urged, “Again.” She wavered, so he chose a quieter tone. “If you wish.”

Ducking her head, she avoided his mouth, kissing his cheek instead. As her lips trailed lightly along one sensitive stripe, Sesshoumaru’s eyes slid shut. She definitely had no idea how bold she was being, and he wasn’t inclined to inform her.

Sesshoumaru magnanimously allowed Kagome to drive him half-wild. After all, if she could accept his inu-youkai nature, shouldn’t he be open-minded enough to welcome what humans considered a lesser affection.

The hour was incredibly late when he noticed just how chilly her hands had become, and he stopped her, touching a fingertip to her equally cold nose. “Bed,” he decided, repositioning himself to make room.

She crept obediently under the covers, promptly falling asleep. As he lent her his warmth, Sesshoumaru came to an important decision. If this was the luxury afforded to victors, he needed to win another tournament.

2011 4q, -drama, -canon universe, =oneshot, forthright, -adventure, =oneshot #083 ungodly hour

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