The Bodyguard by kjchristie17 [WANTED! Challenge]

Oct 26, 2011 07:19

Title: The bodyguard
Author: Kjchristie17
Prompt: WANTED! Challenge - Armed and Dangerous
Genre: Romance, Adventure, Erotica, Kink, Drama
AU/CU: Canon Universe
Rating: M+
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2147 words
Summary: Kagome Higurashi is a trained miko assassin. When she is assigned to protect Seshoumaru Taisho, who is bent on seducing her, her life not only gets tangled up, but takes a turn for the worse, when her ex-boyfriend shows up, fangs baring...
Chapter 2: Getting Ready

It was dark. Kagome opened her eyes and moaned, when her headache increased substantially. She glanced at the clock. It was still shy of six am. Groaning, she buried her face in her pillow, and tried to go back to sleep. However, the shrilling of her alwarm clock which now lay underneath her bed so that she couldn’t beat it to a rubble, made her curse inventively. Groping in the dark, she managed to find the light switch. Flicking it on, she winced as the bright lights burned her eyes.
Barefoot, she stumbled to the kitchen, still naked, and put coffee beans in the coffee maker, and took out last night’s lemon cake that she hadn’t even had the chance to eat. Damn Miroku! If he hadn’t shown up last night, she could have eaten this fluffy slice of heaven then….She hated having cake for breakfast, but Sango, her roomate, wouldn’t spare it after she came back from the gym. She glanced towards the closed door. She wasn’t up yet. Good.
Sango and she had a smooth routine. Sango would wake up after ten am, while Kagome had no choice but to be an early riser. So wandering about the house naked at an early hour was no problem. Who was going to catch her?
She put the cake on the table, and headed towards the showers. Before she could enter the bathroom, her eyes fell on the calendar, and she frowned. Oh yeah, Sango was going to leave with her boyfriend for a week. He was taking her to Hawaii. Her heart clenched when she remembered that Inuyasha and had come up with the idea. She had been collecting money for the last year, but after what he did…
She clenched her teeth. Inuyasha was out of her life now, and feeling sad or unhappy about it wasn’t going to help any. She opened the water to hot, and stood under the steaming onslaught, gritting her teeth. Well, Inuyasha be damned. She’d go somewhere else. Italy. All by herself. She didn’t need a man to keep her happy.
The pounding of the front door, brought her back to her senses, and she scowled. It wasn’t even seven yet. Who the hell could it be? Wrapping the towel around her body, she peered through the peephole in the front door, and scowled, throwing a harried glance at the clock. He said he’d be here at seven. It was still half an hour till seven.
Muttering colourful phrases under her breath, she unhooked the latch and opened the door to Seshoumaru.
The sliver haired demon raised a brow at what Kagome was wearing, “Is that what you intend to wear today?”
Kagome mumbled something along the lines of, ‘Oversexed dog demon.’ And earned a smirk from him. He knew how grumpy Kagome could be in the mornings.
Following her inside the kitchen, Seshoumaru smelled the brewing coffee, and sat down on a chair, looking at her expectantly. Her face was an odd yet appealing combination of sleepy and grumpy, while her hair was sticking to her forehead. She wasn’t clutching the towel to her body, as she had wrapped it around herself into a tight fit, accenting all her dips and curves.
It seemed the little miko had not noticed her checking her out. This would not do. Kagome tapped a foot on the floor, and growled, “You said seven. It’s not seven.”
Indifferent, Seshoumaru swept his eyes over her whole body from head to toe, and he murmured, “But arriving early certainly does have its advantages.”
His heated gaze finally settled on her unpainted mouth, and then met her eyes which were wide open now, partly in shock and partly in anger.
She rushed towards the bathroom, blushing furiously, while Seshoumaru chuckled. OH he was going to get his message across. Kagome had no idea what she was in for. His smile faded as he thought about when he had first seen her. Inuyoukai recognized their mates on sight and smell, and he had recognized her, but she had been introduced to him as Inuyasha’s girlfriend. He had taken his half brother aside and told him, but instead of complying by his brother’s wish, Inuyasha had just laughed in his face, gleefully, and told him to live with it.
It was that day when the bad blood between the two half brothers had risen. However, instead of going to his Father and putting the situation before him, Seshoumaru had left, devastated. It was then that Inuyasha had forced his elder brother to see Kagome, to taunt him with her, by bringing her over to the family dinners. But to Inuyasha’s misfortune, Kagome had taken a shine to the stoic Inuyoukai, and would often seek him for company.
Irritated with her presence, he was also enticed, and would bear with her, till he was completely and utterly in love with her. No matter how much he would growl at her, how much he be rude to her, she would still seek his companionship whenever she would see him. When Inuyasha finally noticed this, and the fact that Seshoumaru enjoyed those encounters, he stopped bringing Kagome around altogether. That had been quite a few years ago. Now the girl before him and matured, and bloomed, and was ripe for the taking. His brows lowered darkly. And he’s be damned if he let anyone else take her.
Kagome was still fuming when she walked into the kitchen. The nerve of him. Checking her out. Although the way his eyes heated and smoldered made her want to melt. Ignoring him, she walked towards the coffee, and poured two cups, mixing his the way he liked it.
As he sipped, Seshoumaru felt a jolt of surprise, and murmured, “You remembered.”
Kagome’s cheeks reddened, and she sipped her cup. He seemed preoccupies, so she studied his profile. He hadn’t changed. His mere presence still filled the room, and entranced her. His masculine scent could still bring her to her knees. When Inuyasha had introduced her to his brother, the first word that had come to her mind was ‘beautiful’. Because he truly was. His pale skin clashed with the two magenta stripes adorning his cheekbones. His eyes were not like Inuyasha’s. In fact, they were golden. A hot smoldering golden, which whenever would turn in her direction, would make her week in the knees. He just had that effect on her.
But when she had gotten to know him, she had discovered he nothing like Inuyasha. Instead, he was the exact opposite of her boyfriend. While Inuyasha tended to be childish, immature, and rude, Seshoumaru was calm, level-headed and mature. She always went out of her way to seek his companionship during family dinners or parties at the Taishos. Whenever he would see her, his eyes would light up and then he would resume his bored look. So she had made it her life’s mission to gauge reactions out of him, however subtle.
“You’re staring.”
She snorted, “You just gave me the full checkout in my towel, and I’m staring? Ho ho.”
Seshoumaru turned around to face her. Her hair was wet and wevy. She hadn’t brushed it giving it some sort of wild appearance, which made his mouth go dry. He cleared his throat, “Why’d you become an assassin?”
Kagome stared at him. He had completely taken her aback with that question. She had not expected him to ask her that. She thought he knew. Didn’t he?
Seeing her so utterly confused and vulnerable, Seshoumaru looked into his cup, “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”
Kagome blinked and then stuttered, “N-No. It’s just that I thought you knew.”
“Knew what?”
Kagome looked at him closely, and was surprised by what she found in his eyes. She got up, and turned her back to him, to refill her cup, “Haven’t you been in contact with anyone?”
Seshoumaru looked at her back, and admitted, “I have immersed in business matters. I talk with father once in a while. I do not associate with Izayoi.”
“Oh, I see,” Kagome murmured. She sat down, “Well, you already know that since I’m a miko, I’ve received special training since I was a kid, right? Martial arts, weapons, hand-to-hand, everything. And since nowadays since mikos are getting rarer, groups and circles are formed. When I turned sixteen, it was expected that I would join the White Lotus, but I didn’t. Instead, I became a teacher.” She grinned at that part.
Then I met your brother, met you, your family. Then Inuyasha and I broke up and the White lotus offered me a position.”
Seshoumaru held up a hand, and asked with narrowed eyes, “How does your breaking up with my half brother have anything to do with the White Lotus?”
That look again. Kagome’s face had gone white, and although she tried to hide it, she was in pain and in a lot of it.
“I don’t want to talk about it. The White locus offered to take me in, but I refused. I went to your father, asked to be trained and joined his security force. They trained me to become an assassin.“ She frowned slightly, “You could say I’m freelance now. I still teach but I do this too.”
Seshoumaru drained his cup, and set it down on the table, “You do know that I will eventually find out what happened between you and Inuyasha, don’t you?”
Kagome’s face went blank and she stood up, “Please don’t try, Seshoumaru. Aside from it being none of your business, there are only a few people who know and I don’t want more to find out.”
He didn’t say anything to her as she left the room to get dressed, but promised himself, I will find out, Kagome. Nobody hurts my mate.
He followed Kagome into her room. Leaning against the door jamb, he asked curiously, “What are you doing?”
Kagome looked at him, “I have to wear weapons. Mandatory, you know.”
Seshoumaru looked amused and purred, “And just where do you plan on hiding that knife?”
Kagome looked startled, and muttered, vaguely, “So clearly I haven’t thought this through.”
“Let me help.”
Before she could move, she was pinned against the wall.
The inuyoukai’s hand held the knife and he was slowly ghosting it over her body. He wasn’t cutting her but showing her he could. Her face was turning red, and she could feel the fight drain out of her, as he crept down her stomach.
Now a moan escaped her lips, as she felt his hot breath on her neck, “Now where should we hide the knife, Ka-go-me?”
Her brain was going fuzzy as the sharp edge of the knife kept trailing downwards. His left hand grabbed her thigh and she gasped. Shit, she was getting turned on!
Before she knew it, she heard a sound, and his hands were in her hair, pulling her head back roughly. She gazed in shock into the pair of heated golden eyes before she lost all sense of the world as he thrust his mouth onto hers, demanding entry. He wasn’t gentle. In fact, far from it. He was rough, and she found she enjoyed it. His fingers cupped her panties and she moaned. He didn’t so much as touch her down there, he only cupped her and rubbed her, and she moaned out broken versions of his name.
He dove in for a wild kiss again, and she submitted, letting him do what he wanted with her mouth. She had never felt this helpless and this aroused ever.
When he pulled back, wearing a self-satisfied smirk, Kagome was breathing hard.
“Problem solved.”
Kagome stared at him withsomething skin to shock, and suddenly she felt the knife. He had tied it to her thigh.
“I should kill you.”
Seshoumaru waved his hand, smirking wickedly, “You are going to have to get used to that feeling. I mean aafter being seen with me all day long, people will assume something, so you are going to be my girlfriend.”
“Theoretically speaking.” Kagome put in hastily.
“Theoretically speaking.” Seshoumaru agreed.
Kagome cleared her throat, “And will we have to do all that we did just now?”
Seshoumaru gave her a look, “I am very thorough, Kagome.” With that he turned around and walked out of the room with Kagome following, as she pulled on her jacket and muttered, “Of course you are.”
Seshoumaru heard her and snorted. She had no idea!
He opened the door to her, “Ladies first.”
Kagome walked out, muttering, “Dogs to follow.”
She looked at Seshoumaru’s car, and winced. Patting her jacket, she felt better feeling all the weapons hidden underneath. There was no way anyone was going to get withing two feet of Seshoumaru, not if she could help it.

-canon universe, -romance, -adventure, -drama, 2011 4q, kjchristie17, -hentai, *wanted challenge

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