Impressionable by Lethari [Drabble #162]

Oct 21, 2011 23:06

Title: Impressionable
Author:  Lethari
Prompt: Grind
Genre:  Humor
Rating:  K+
Word Count: 400
Summary:  Never leave Rin alone with Miroku.

“Kagome-” Rin tugged on the miko's sleeve. “Is your monk friend going to be okay?”

“Eh? Oh, yeah, he's just enjoying himself a bit to much.” Kagome furrowed her brow as she watched her friend. Slurred speech, friskier hands, red face, yes Miroku was definitely drunk. The miko switched her gaze to the slayer and sighed. Poor Sango was grinding the herbs she was going to use for their dinner and slowing reaching for her boomerang.  Kagome turned back to the little girl.

“Just ignore him, 'kay?” Kagome smiled down at her daughter. Rin nodded. “Alright, I'm going to go over there for a bit.” The miko stood and made her way over to her mate.

Rin was content to just sit there and read a book Kagome had brought back for her, until she heard a loud crack and a cry of pain that is. The young girl snapped up and looked over her shoulder, the monk was slumped over, his face in the dirt.

Rin quickly jogged over to the fallen monk. She knew what had happened.

“Houshi-sama, why do you keep doing that if you're only going to get hurt in the end?” Rin asked as she sat down by the recently battered monk.

“Ah Rin, my hand is cursed you see? It can't help but wander!” Miroku chuckled and leaned down to get closer to the girl. “But I'll let you in on a little secret,” he whispered “Women love it! It's also the perfect way to greet someone, show them how much you care.”


Miroku cocked his head to the side and winked at the young girl.”Trust me.”

Rin thought as she looked back to the fire, The prefect way to show someone how much you care? She thought long and hard. Rin nodded to herself and stood up, after locating the person she was looking for, she closed in.

Sesshoumaru stiffened as everyone gasped, save for Miroku who was howling with laughter and Inuyasha who had just fallen out of his tree. The Taiyoukai glanced down. There, Sesshoumaru met his ward... Who had just placed her hand on his backside and rubbed. Growling, Sesshoumaru's eyes snapped up to the monk. Kagome panicked and tried to calm her mate before he saw red.

The demon lord contemplated breaking the monk's fingers. All of them.

2011 4q, lethari, -canon universe, -comedy, =drabble, =drabble #162 grind

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