Two Pieces of the Same Puzzle by Aurora Antheia Raine [Oneshot #78]

Sep 09, 2011 00:10

Title: Two Pieces of the Same Puzzle
Author: Aurora Antheia Raine
Theme: Last Chance [One-Shot #78]
Genre: AU, Comedy, Romance, Drama
Rating: T
Warnings: Mild seduction and a couple of curse words.
Word Count: 1,292
Summary: A lovestruck girl. A gay boy. One impossible mission. (Part 2/2 ; First part found here:

Sesshoumaru moved his lips, almost hesitantly, over hers as Kagome urgently pressed herself against him, hands moving to slide up his chest and around his neck. The position she had put him in when she tackled him began to put a strain upon his back as the edge of her bed dug into his spine. With a stifled groan, he attempted to shift his body, but the weight of Kagome upon his frame only made it so that the wooden edge was pressed even further into his flesh.

In mild frustration, Sesshoumaru struck a leg out and kicked at the bed frame. The force of his kick sent his body skidding across the floor, his lower half falling onto the soft carpet with a muffled thud. The change in his posture forced their lips apart and nearly sent Kagome flying, but she quickly bundled the fabric of his shirt tightly within her clenched fists and stabled herself.

Kagome straddled him properly before hovering above him with both palms pressed firmly on the floor to support her weight. Immediately, his warm hands moved to wrap themselves around her waist, his fingers splayed to rest upon the small of her back. She stared down at him, her hair spilling over her shoulders like curtains of ebony silk. Sesshoumaru stared right back at her, a hint of confusion shrouding his otherwise luminously aureate eyes.

“What has gotten into you?” he murmured, his fingers slowly caressing her in circular motions through the fabric of her robe.

“This is my last chance,” Kagome breathed. “I need to change your mind before it’s too late.”

With that, her supple figure covered his snugly as she initiated another soul searing kiss. Every dip and curve of their bodies molded together perfectly like two pieces of the same puzzle. It was as though they were made for each other and perhaps they were, if Kagome could only convince Sesshoumaru of that.

Her fingers played with the edge of his shirt, occasionally slipping her digits beneath them to teasingly caress his bare flesh. Sesshoumaru’s hands quickly left her waist to grip her wrists in a firm hold, effectively halting her actions.

Dazed but confused, Kagome pulled back and looked at him quizzically. “What’s wrong, Sesshoumaru?”

“I don’t understand,” he stated simply, sitting up. The movement caused Kagome’s robe to shift precariously, revealing the flesh of her creamy thighs and the dip of her cleavage. He shifted his eyes to focus solely upon her face lest he got distracted.

“I’m in love with you,” she replied bluntly, despite the light blush that tinted over her cheeks. “I’ve been in love with you, Sesshoumaru; you just never noticed.”

He remained silent, his golden eyes roving over her face as if seeking for verification. As if finding the confirmation he needed, Sesshoumaru nodded. “And your need for changing my mind?”

Kagome bit her bottom lip nervously, her fingers idly fiddling with the hem of his shirt despite the grasp he still had upon her hands.

“How else could I convince you to stay straight?” Kagome suddenly burst out, unable to continue holding back her terror at the possibility of losing Sesshoumaru to someone else; especially when that person was someone she could never compete with. She didn’t have the right equipment to fight for Sesshoumaru if he truly had a romantic interest in Jakotsu. “Of course I had to find a way to seduce you! How could I let you go if I never put forth any effort to keep you? How would you ever know what you were missing out on if you never left yourself with any experiences to compare to?”


“And,” Kagome continued, nearly hysterical, “how else would I ever get a chance? I could never compete with Jakotsu. Don’t you understand? I was desperate. I had to do something. Haven’t you ever heard of ‘he who tries can never be called a failure?’”

Fast as lightening, Sesshoumaru covered her mouth with the palm of his hand, muffling the rest of her words until she fell completely silent.

“Where did you hear that saying from?” Sesshoumaru asked curiously, raising a single eyebrow.

Kagome responded, but her words were still suppressed by Sesshoumaru. He lowered his hand upon that realization and inclined his head, silently requesting for her to repeat her answer.

“A fortune cookie.”

Sesshoumaru chuckled. “I believe the correct quotation is ‘many a man never fails because he never tries.’”

“Well, I like mine better anyway,” she declared with a shrug.

“And where, pray tell, did you get the notion that I was a gay man that needed to revert back to heterosexuality?”

“Aren’t you?” Kagome threw back.

“Certainly not.”

Sesshoumaru paused and narrowed his eyes at her. “And Jakotsu? How does he fit into this equation?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Sesshoumaru. Sango heard you,” Kagome accused, pointing her index finger at him.

“What, exactly, did she think she heard?”

Kagome crossed her arms over her chest. “Your conversation with Jakotsu earlier today after I had called you.”

Sesshoumaru thought back to the time frame she spoke of.

“I understand. Make no mistake, Sesshoumaru. I’m a patient man,” Jakotsu replied, flashing him a quick wink. “And I’m certain, with more time to practice before we meet, the act will be much more pleasurable.”

“I, too, am certain of the fact,” Sesshoumaru agreed before taking his leave.

Comprehension dawned upon him.

“Ah,” Sesshoumaru said with a smirk. “With more time to practice before we meet, the act will be much more pleasurable.”

“So you admit it!”

“Yes, I admit to lowering myself to seek assistance from him to learn the concept of professing one’s love to another.”

“I knew it!” Kagome hollered. “I knew you were gay! Why didn’t you just tell me? I’m not homophobic! Wait… what?”

“I sought his aid in analyzing the most efficient way to confess my feelings for you,” Sesshoumaru reiterated smugly.

“Then why…?” she sputtered bewilderedly.

“Jakotsu is a man of many innuendos. I have long ago adjusted to his speech patterns when I originally sought him out.”

Kagome’s eyes slowly took in the scene before her, suddenly realizing how mortifying her actions had been. She had acted like a wanton bitch in heat and thrown herself desperately at Sesshoumaru. She had initiated everything while he had sat back and done practically nothing.

Horrified, she leapt to her feet and stumbled back, trying to put distance between them as her face flamed a shade of bright red. Kagome sank to the floor, curling her knees into her chest as she covered her face with her hands.

“Oh God, I am so embarrassed,” she moaned, tears prickling the back of her eyelids.

Sesshoumaru moved so he was beside her. Chuckling to himself, he grasped her hands gently and pulled them away from her face. “This is precisely why I love you.”

“But how could you?” Kagome bewailed. “I’m so stupid.”

“That is just one of your many adorable traits,” Sesshoumaru explained affectionately, his amused eyes roaming over her body to take another look at her attire. “Along with your utterly unique sense of fashion.”

She looked at him with glimmering eyes, sniffling slightly. “Really?”

He nodded in response, tucking a strand of frazzled hair behind her ear.

“Now, let’s do this the right way,” Sesshoumaru whispered, running the back of his index finger gently down the side of her cheek. His breath ghosted over her skin before their lips met in the most perfect kiss. It was unhurried yet intense and the way they moved in perfect sync with each other was utterly flawless.

And this time, when Kagome slipped her hand beneath his shirt to caress his warm flesh, Sesshoumaru didn’t stop her.

-alternate universe, =oneshot, -romance, aurora antheia raine, -drama, 2011 3q, -comedy, =oneshot #078 last chance

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