Rare Feast by Forthright [Oneshot #78]

Sep 08, 2011 16:03

Title: Rare Feast
Author: Forthright
Theme: Last Chance
Genre: Drama, Adventure
Rating: G
Words: 600
Warnings: This will eventually be added to Lord Charming, in which Sesshoumaru kidnaps an adviser.
Summary: CU. The post-hunt feast was a spectacular prey buffet...

Rare Feast
The post-hunt feast was a spectacular prey buffet, with entire tables of raw meat. Kagome was relieved that she wasn’t expected to serve either Sesshoumaru or his mother, for as tasteful as the displays were, she was somewhat put off by the pooling blood. Guests ate delicately, but with obvious relish, heightening her awareness that she was surrounded by predators. It’s hardly a feeding frenzy, but... eww.

“Indulge yourself,” the Western Lady urged. “This is quite possibly your first and last chance to feast so widely or so well.”

Eyes downcast, Kagome only shook her head. “I’m not very hungry.”

Sesshoumaru stalked off, and the Western Lady gave Kagome a cursory glance. “You are pale. Do we disgust you, little ally?”

“N-no!” Kagome protested softly. “I know this is normal for youkai. Even Inuyasha likes raw meat once in a while.”

“The hanyou?”

“Erm... yes. Sesshoumaru-sama’s half brother.”

The demoness inclined her head and changed the subject. “Did my son accept his bequest?”

“The trysting cave?” Kagome asked. With a tentative smile, she shared, “I think he likes the view.”

Painted lips quirked, and the demoness observed, “I see that Sesshoumaru is as adventurous as ever with his free time.”

Sesshoumaru prowled the tables, ignoring showier kills in favor of the smaller, tender fare that hunters often carried home to attract potential mates. The procurement of such delicacies was sometimes scoffed at by other males, but they were inept fools. Father had never minded the painstaking process of raiding nests to collect the tiny bird’s eggs his mate favored, and Sesshoumaru could remember staining his fingers purple every summer, when he and Yuji-taichou gathered the Western Lady’s best-beloved berries. There was no shame in catering to a female’s tastes. Indeed, both his role models had devoted themselves to such duties.

While most of the meat was presented raw, the earliest catches had spent the night in roasting pits, and Sesshoumaru followed his nose to a small deer that was done to a turn.

“May I serve you, milord?” inquired a servant in a kitchen uniform.

“Hnn,” he accepted.

However, another male approached. “Allow me?”

The servant withdrew with a deferential nod, and Sesshoumaru watched without expression as Kenta carved a portion. “Your prey?” he dutifully inquired.

“Yes,” Kenta replied, neatly arranging the venison on a plate.

In bored tones, Sesshoumaru observed necessary social conventions. “Your method?”

“I’m an archer, milord.”

Kenta proved more inclined to make small talk than relinquish any of the fruits of his hunt. “Most seem to prefer blooded meat,” he observed. “Are you partial to venison?”

“No,” he replied curtly.

“Roasted meat?”


The black-haired inu-youkai’s brows drew together. “Then... why...?”

Sesshoumaru considered turning around and walking away then and there, but that would be too much like backing down. Chin lifting challengingly, he explained, “My attendant is human.”

Kenta’s confusion cleared, instantly replaced with a warm smile. His silver eyes flashed towards the head table, then he proffered the plate, saying, “With my compliments, milord.”

Sesshoumaru slid the plate onto the table beside his mother, who began to rise. “Stay.” She quirked a brow, and he let his gaze slide to one side. “I will serve you.”

“How thoughtful,” she replied, docilely resuming her seat. “And?”

“Make sure she eats,” he murmured before whisking away.

“Erm... what did he say?”

“Isn’t this roast venison lovely?” the demoness raved. “Kenta sent it with his compliments!”

The young woman perked up. The genial huntsman noticed. The heir to the West glowered.

His mother smirked. “It would be a shame to let such effort go to waste!”

-drama, -canon universe, =oneshot, forthright, 2011 3q, -adventure, =oneshot #078 last chance

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