Title: Witness Pain
Author: A Mystic Lady
Theme: Wiggle
Genre: Dark
Rating: K+
Word Count: 200
Author Note: Continuation of Witness Seized
Summary: His reputation precedes him.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, nor do I make a profit from this little bit of writing.
“What are you going to do to me?” Kagome asked, fearing torture at his hands. She had heard of his success and the resulting victim’s fate.
He wiggled a finger in her face. “I told you to be silent. Now I will have to punish you.” He pulled her forward by the hand in her hair and she stumbled away from the wall and into the only chair in the room. “Sit.”
He kneeled at her feet and pulled her shoe and sock off of one foot. “I do this only to make you understand the importance of doing as I say.” At his last word, white hot pain seared across her mind. She screamed and tried to yank her foot away from him.
Suddenly he was smirking into her face and holding her head tightly. “Do you understand me?” and despite his hold she nodded her head vigorously, anything to not feel that again. “Good.”
“Now to start my work.” He turned her head to the side and pulled his hand through her hair. “It’s a shame that you’ll have to part with this. I see you like to keep it long. But you will adjust; they all do.”