Subtle by snowcup [Drabble #153]

Aug 21, 2011 09:27

With his understated ties and suits Kagome could almost delude herself into thinking Sesshoumaru was a human man - If she squinted her eyes and tilted her head just right.

Shifting her weight, she looked from the car to Sesshoumaru again. He had halted in front of the passenger door, opening it in invitation, waiting silently for her to make the choice.

Taking a deep breath she stepped into the Lamborghini. Settling in, she changed her mind. The sleek lines and rumbling power suited him far better than some run-of-the-mill automobile.

-alternate universe, -romance, =drabble #153 flash, -gen!fic, snowcup, 2011 3q, =drabble, -fluff

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