Renewal by Forsaken Tenshi [Drabble #151 Rinse]

Aug 03, 2011 06:49

Title: Renewal
Author: Forsaken Tenshi
Theme: Rinse
Genre: General, Angst
Rating: G or K
Warnings: None
Word Count: 400 words
Summary: Rain does more than water plants.
Note: A continuation of Reaffirmation.



“Please, don’t say anything,” she murmured softly, and both the taijiya and the houshi immediately silenced their voices. The group of shard hunters, particularly Inuyasha, had seen the shikigami that always marked Kikyou’s presence in the late afternoon. As evening had descended, the inuhanyou had disappeared into the forest without a word as the rest of them had set up camp in a dry cave. Thunder rumbled in the distance, promising rain to an otherwise parched land.

Kagome sat beside the fire, arms curled around her bent knees as she watched the undulating dance of the flames. Miroku and Sango were both caring for their weapons, sneaking worried glances at their quiet and depressed companion. Kirara was already asleep after a long day of traveling, and Shippou had snuggled up against his surrogate mother, slumbering fitfully after struggling to stave off welcomed rest for the sake of the schoolgirl.

A loud rustling sound from the mouth of the cave heralded the onset of a strong rain, which was punctuated by brilliant flashes of lightning and the roar of thunder. The two smaller youkai slept through the storm, exhausted from the day’s travel and stagnant heat. A particularly loud clap of thunder caused Sango to jump, and Miroku calmed her before she could reflexively bring up her weapon in defense.

Kagome never flinched, too tuned out to notice her surroundings, except for the fact that she suddenly felt suffocated. She abruptly stood, drawing the eyes of her companions. “I need to walk,” she said. Before either of the Sengoku natives could protest, she added, “I’ll be just outside the cave. Promise.” With that, she turned and walked towards the mouth of the cave. Upon reaching the exit, she stepped into the howling gale, becoming soaked within seconds. It was here she began to cry.

No one will ever know, she thought as her body trembled with emotion. The rain mingled with her tears and rinsed them away, and slowly, she grew more and more at ease in her heart. Eventually she returned into the cave, momentarily purged of her sorrow.

Sesshoumaru stood across the clearing just beyond the trees, watching the miko as she emotionally cleansed herself. Seeing her stand in the rain as she collected the pieces of her once again broken heart had reaffirmed his belief that this one human-and only ally-was a strong one.

-canon universe, 2011 3q, =drabble #151 rinse, forsaken tenshi, =drabble, -angst, -gen!fic

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