Happy New Year! by Unwritten92 (Spectrum Challenge)

Jul 10, 2011 16:24

 Title: Happy New Year!
Author: Unwritten92
Prompt: Spectrum Challenge - Red
Genre: Horror
AU/CU:Alternate Universe
Rating: T
Warnings: Gore, Violence
Word Count: 446
Summary: The blood rains the color red. Sesshoumaru decides that he dislikes this color the most.

The day he died it rained blood. Thick like the chocolate his mother had given him before leaving to dance with his father.

New Year to youkai was a big affair, it meant prosperity and new beginnings. For youkais' lived a long life and they always needed new beginnings.

The hotel where they were celebrating was beautiful, like the sky castle his parents owned and he took it in with wide eyes and a look of wonder on his face that no adult could emulate.

From the dance floor his mother smiled at him and his father's eyes twinkled merrily at him. He waved at them they did the same while his mother mouthed an I love you to him.

From the corner of his eye he saw one of the cardinal lords approach him, turning to him he acknowledged him and the lord bowed showing his respects to the heir of the west. The lord started to speak to him but he couldn't quite hear him because the music playing was steadily becoming louder and louder. Then for a moment everything went dark. He saw nothing but he could smell it. Blood, thick and tangy blood, he could smell it everything and he could feel it drip unto his face.

When the lights came back on no one was dancing anymore and the lord that had been talking to him was suddenly missing his head.

His eyes were wide and Sesshoumaru couldn't make a sound as he watched horrified how every creature in the room started collapsing on themselves. He choked when he saw his mother's upper ha;f slide down to land with a thud on the floor and sobbed when his father's head fell and rolled on the floor.

Everything had happened so rapidly and without any cause that no one had noticed the dangerous weapon and the massacre that had been about to happen. Not even his father, whom had years of experience and speed that if he had been alert he would have been able to put a stop in it.

The sight before him was disgusting and horrifying but the gleeful laughter that followed was worse. The last thing he saw before running out of the ballroom was the human singer leave through the back door in the ballroom.

Exiting to the pool area he could see it hadn't only been the ballroom where the disaster had occurred.

As the pool turned red with the blood of the fallen bodies and he heard the footsteps of the creature following him, his last coherent thought as he was assaulted with a reeking scent, was that red wasn't his favorite color anymore.

-dark!fic, -alternate universe, 2011 3q, unwritten92, *spectrum challenge

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