Out Came the Sunshine by aimee_blue [drabble#145]

Jun 27, 2011 18:25

Title: Out Came the Sunshine
Author: aimee_blue
Prompt: Core
Words: 400
Genre: Romance,Humour
Rating: T
A/N: A future chapter of Weeds or Wildflowers, however, it is not necessary to read that first.
Summary: AU. Caught in a downpour, Sesshoumaru comes to Kagome's rescue.

“I hate rain,” Kagome grumbled, peering into the deluge of pouring water that bombarded the pavement. Inside the station it was dry, a little cold but, most importantly, illuminated.

The storm had engulfed Tokyo in darkness, a bleary end to a dreary day. It made five o’clock look more like a bleak twilight. Kagome was less than willing to be swallowed by the harsh elements.

“The rain, again?” Sesshoumaru asked dryly.

“My eternal foe,” Kagome joked, “Where’d you go?”

“Procuring provisions,” he quipped.


The silver-haired demon produced an umbrella with a flourish. Kagome clapped her hands appreciatively.

“I’ll walk you home,” he proclaimed magnanimously, flicking his hair over his broad shoulder.

“My hero,” she joked.

A silver brow arched exasperatedly and he ducked his head in reluctant amusement. Deftly opening the umbrella, he crooked his arm for her expectantly.

Kagome smiled a secret smile as she curled her hand around his bicep.

Skirting puddles, they made their way along the dark streets. Few people wanted to venture out in this downpour, so the streets were only occupied by stony-faced commuters.

Sesshoumaru cast her a sidelong look. “You are smiling.”

Kagome’s eyes glittered. “Yep.”

“The rain usually dampens your spirits,” he mused.

Kagome indicated a turning and they hurried across the road to a street dotted with sleepy houses.

“Today I’m happier,” she conceded, nestling closer to his side as a gust of wind caused the rain to tickle her side. “The rain isn’t so bad with you,” she admitted bashfully.

Sesshoumaru nodded. In the rain they were closeted off from all other life, a fleeting moment of intimacy and peace in the bustling core of Tokyo. It was quite pleasant.

“Here we are,” Kagome murmured, towing Sesshoumaru - and the umbrella - along as she took the lead, leading Sesshoumaru up the shrine steps and under the torii arch. Only when she was safely enclosed under the porch roof did she relinquish her grip on his arm, turning to face him with a disarming smile.

“Thanks!” she chirped. Bright eyed, rosy cheeked and bursting with tangible happiness. Sesshoumaru was momentarily dazed. The indignity of his wet shoulder seemed paltry in the light of her cheerfulness.

“You are welcome.”


Souta smiled a lopsided smile as he watched his sister wave the silver-haired demon away.

“What is it?” Mrs Higurashi queried.

“I know why Kagome’s been humming so cheerfully lately,” the eighteen-year-old sang.

=drabble #145 core, -alternate universe, -romance, -comedy, =drabble, 2011 2q, aimee blue

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