Spring, 1776 - Delicious by hedda_1 [Drabble #139]

May 16, 2011 12:42


The days were finally getting warmer and this day was particularly beautiful. The sun stood high, a gentle breeze swayed and birds were chirping peacefully. In other words: it was the perfect day for some gardening and thus Sesshomaru was in the backyard of the vicarage kneeling in front of the small patch that his Bible study group had cropped. The little seedlings were faring surprisingly well in the rather dry soil. And with a wry look he had to acknowledge that the same could be said about the weeds, too. Shaking his head he resumed his task, but only moments later his nose caught a familiar scent.

Talking about another little persistent pest…

“Good day, Father Paulio,” Kagome Smith cheered.

“Good day, Mrs. Smith,” he replied calmly. “What can I do for you?”

The young woman presented a large, covered bowl while she was grinning from ear to ear. Sesshomaru slowly got up to his feet.

Don’t let it be yet another bribery…

“Do you know what is inside of this bowl?” she asked sweetly.


“No, I am afraid not,” he said instead.

“I presumed that because you spent many years in Rome that you might miss the cuisine. I had to pull some strings to get all the right ingredients, but in the end, I think, I managed an authentic pasta dish.”

Her head turned from left to right and it took him some seconds until he understood what she was looking for. He motioned her with his hand to follow her to the boulders in the corner of the garden. There she handed him the bowl and a fork and took a seat on rock opposite to where he sat.

“What’s the occasion for this treat?” he inquired tentatively.

The black haired woman blinked and cocked her hair slightly.

“I… I think you have a wrong image of me. Normally, I do not have an ulterior motive when doing something nice. I just… I just wanted to give pleasure to you,” she whispered.

Sesshomaru lowered his gaze and regarded the devotedly served meal. He forked a small mouthful and tasted the warm pasta. When he looked up at the anxious and expectant face of the young woman again, he felt a smile creeping on his face.

“It is delicious."

When she beamed with joy at his compliment, he realized something.

She is beautiful when she smiles.

-alternate universe, -romance, =drabble #139 treat, -angst, -drama, -comedy, =drabble, 2011 2q, hedda_1

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