Title: Kikyo vs Kagome
Author: lustchantay
Theme: Over
Genre: Romance
Rating: K
Warnings: Don't let the title fool you, it is about Sesshomaru and Kagome
Word Count: 200
Summary: Inuyasha has never been able to get over Kikyo, but Kagome has found someone else that doesn't expect her to live up to the dead miko's reputation.
The comparisons were over.
No more disappointment over her spiritual under achievement; where she came from such things weren’t needed, and where she was going it defiantly wouldn’t be either.
She didn’t have to put on a face of maturity; where she was from she was still considered a child, and where she was going she was permitted to stay as such till it was her time.
No more having to be the know-it-all girl from the future; where she was from she was still learning about life, and where she was going they had lived long enough not to be impressed. No more prettier than you, more refined than you; where she was from they taught you not to grow up before your time, where she was going he called her his doll of eternal youth.
He didn’t need a woman with honed combat skills, he alone would see to her protection.
He admired her jovial mannerisms; he was tiring of expressionless beings.
He didn’t need a tutor he had a spotless education and the experience to boot.
With her bright eyes coated with wide lashes, and luscious thick hair that outweighed waterfalls; his miko was certainly the better.