From now on my posts will be Friends Only. Had a problem with some old friends and cosplayers. But now that should be better.
You will only be added if your a friend, cosplayer, and all that good junk cause I said so.
I tend to talk about random things a lot. Its mostly about cosplay (duh) but if you don't mind me being me and have random silly posts about my life. Then go ahead.
If I do not accept you as a friend, PLEASE take me off your list.
Edit: There will be the occasional public posts. But those will be funny things or advertising an event. (I'm pretty strict on that matter.)
Edit Edit: I have changed my journal to complete "Friends Only". Just want to keep my family, friends, and cosplay people here. And the people who care about me and vice versa. If your here to spy on my life then gtfo. ^_^