One of the things that I don't understand about the LGBT "Rights" movement is how willing they are to set their own cause back. For example, with California Proposition 8 (Passed), the No-On-8 bunch has taken to attacking churches (Mormon, Catholic), rioting, intimidating a diner (that otherwise has a better track record of supporting gay rights than the NLGBTA) over a $100 donation from one of its waitresses.
So now the supporters of Prop 8 are attempting to get some protection from the KKK-styled harassment by requesting that a judge seal the donation records. What do they antis say on the matter? That it's
hypocritical (After all, they should be held accountable for daring to support a measure that passed, as they've got to be bigots, rather than having some deeply held views that the LGBT community is unwilling to confront OR accept).
Let's face it - there's a lot of enmity on both sides, ranging from a pair of lesbians kidnapping, raping, then murdering a Jewish lawyer (back in the 80s), to a bunch of inbreds dragging an innocent man behind their truck until he died. But also, the community hasn't made its point over why gay "marriages" (as opposed to civil unions with full marriage benefits [State of California, still legal]) are necessary. And its behavior hasn't won it very many converts, unlike that of VP Cheny's daughter (also condemned by the NLGBTA - how dare she have a loving relationship without trying to be irresponsible and forceful?).
Ironically, we won't likely see much support of the LGBT community under the upcoming administration - in order to secure votes from the bible-belt Democrats (some Pentacostal, many Presbyterian), the President-Elect (incidentally, I hate that term. I'd rather call him "President Upcoming") has backed away from promises to repeal Clinton's DADT and DOMA policies. But that doesn't matter, as he cannot do any wrong.