I should be in bed, but I didn't get up untill 5 so I should be ok for tomorrow. Besides, I have important news for you....
Anteaters are truly awesome. While screwing around the other day I found the Flicker page for
TamanduaGirl. She's got a pair of anteaters (Tamanduas) as pets. I didn't know anteaters had this much personality, I just new they looked neat. Now again I'm a bit bummed that I'm probably going to UC Davis which has a lame mascot (a horse) instead of UC Irvine which has an anteater for a mascot. But for my major it's mostly going to be either Davis or Cal Poly which also has a lame horse for a mascot. Why don't more colleges understand the importance of having a cool mascot instead of something lame like a horse or bear? Anteaters, geoducks and banana slugs are much better choices.
Anteater with Easy Cheese Anteater in dryer Isn't that so much cooler than a horse?