How was I supposed to know?

Mar 01, 2009 12:19

Begin Rant/

If I hear one more person say "How was I supposed to know" I am going to lose it. I'm a really understanding person when it comes to people not knowing things, and hell, even being ignorant. I am not an understanding person when it is within your power to find the correct answer and you don't because you are either a)Too lazy or b)Don't care to find out. These people use "how was I supposed to know?" as an excuse for their willfull ignorance, and I'm so freakin' done with it. Do you know how you were supposed to know? You ask someone, or if you don't have anywone to ask, you use the information available to you to find the answer to your question.

It's like telling an officer "how was I supposed to know that speeding was wrong?" You have a manual and you have access to traffic laws, that's how. That excuse wouldn't fly with the cops, and it sure as hell doesn't fly with me.

What brought this one was someone in my workplace saying "how was I supposed to know you weren't taking cases anymore?" Maybe if you had read your freakin' e-mail, you would've known that I'm being taken off the phones and elevated to Department Guru. Department Gurus don't take calls, and they don't have cases. Why? Because we're fucking special and deserve to not have to deal with stupid, arrogant, bitter people like you on the phone. You know this, and yet you ignored it. Even better, when confronted about it you used your second-line excuse of "it's not my responsibility". Yes it is your fucking responsibility to assign a case to the correct person when you re-open it. I don't give a flying fuck that you'll be in a different department tomorrow, when you do something as big as re-opening a case, you better be damn sure that the correct people know about it. Just because the case was originally mine doesn't mean it is now. If you re-opened a case for an employee who shifted departments does that mean that the case is their responsbility? No, it fucking well doesn't. RARGH!

This rant has been a long time coming, and I wish I could say everything I've said here and more to the person because I can't stand her. I'm really grateful that she's going to another department, because my patience with her incredible arrogance and stubborness is just about gone. I get that she's smart, she wouldn't be able to sepak 5 languages if she wasn't, but I'm smart too, and I'm not half the arrogant bitch she is. This woman validates almost every single stereotype about Germans that I've ever heard, it makes me want to refer to her as a Nazi, and I do not say that lightly. I have nothing against Germans, my manager, whom I love and adore is German, it's just that she's the fun type from Bavaria, while Evil Bitch is the freakin' Prussian Queen. Couple this inherent Prussian-ness with a complete inability to see more than her own opinion, and she's Megabitch, Euro-style.

/end rant
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