
Sep 16, 2010 11:02

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 7 people to be tagged.

Tagged by cerinityks AND allysonmae18 (happy Ally?)

I tag: Nobody, because I'm already late for class.

1. I'm writing this before I leave for class, because the men who are fixing our roof woke me up by making noise right above my bedroom, sending a picture frame and clouds of dust down to my bed (the picture frame didn't hit my head, the dust did hit my lungs).
2. I hate waking up.
3. I usually stay up way too late.
4. I major in archaeology.
5. I've been waiting for the result of my geography test for ages, because our teacher is hunting polar bears on Svalbard (or looking at rocks, we prefer the polar bear version of that story).
6. I survived a big car crash when I was six months old.
7. My mother didn't survive, but my father remarried and I now have an awesome family.
8. Both my father and stepmother work at a hospital.
9. My father would have liked me to learn how to mend broken bones, I wanted to learn how to dig in mud and analyse ancient bones.
10. I'm also fascinated by language, the class I have today is my linguistics minor.
11. I taught myself Japanese by watching way too many dramas.
12. I want to live in the UK, but not in a city. I want to live in a castle on a hill next to a small village and all the children of that village will come to play in my castle and I'll tell them scary stories about the dungeons and exciting stories about my adventures as an archaeologist.
13. Which is a nice dream, but I don't have money for a castle and archaeology just means digging in mud, most of the time.
14. I want to be a bisexual boy, not a straight girl. But not the 'I want a sex change' kind, I like being a girl too. Actually I want to be able to switch, that'd be nice.
15. I'm completely obsessed with something for approximately two months and then it gets replaced by something else.
16. Writing isn't like that, I've been interested in writing since I was 6.
17. I've had violin lessons for more than ten years, I love to play jazz and blues.
18. I listen to different kinds of music, but I don't have a favourite genre, I just pick songs I like. I'm a sucker for Korean and Japanese music and soundtrack though.
19. I love my room, but the men fixing our roof covered my skylight, taking away most of the sunlight. I would push them off the roof if it weren't for the leakage that's occasionally sneaked up on me to take down another few of my books.
20. I'm as tall as Changmin, which, in my country, is tall, but nothing special, not even for a girl.
21. I got bullied, but nothing physical, because the other kids knew I was stronger.
22. I love rain. I may have danced around in it naked when I was a child, but lets not go there. I don't like it when it ruins my books.
23. I do remember lying in the snow naked when I was ten just to try that out. I am not afraid of cold.
24. I want to improve my English. Writing fics is also practice.
25. I like making people laugh, although almost always do it unconsciously.

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