Sep 23, 2007 03:48
I obviously didn't get as much homework done as I planned to. I read all day, and stopped at 10:00 to watch 300 with my floor mates in the residence theatre. After the movie was over, Greg, Kaelen, Fez and I decided we wanted more movieness, so we watched Pirates 3 as well. For this movie, I provided Coke for everyone, and Kaelen had popcorn but we had no bowl. So I used my colander.
I also had Mike, which is what we named all of Greg's pillows. Except for the small one. That's Mini Mike. Greg said I could have Mike, but he did not say for how long. So after the movie, he tried to get him back. We had an epic battle. Greg held the pillow above his head which was not fair because he's like 6'1". Fez was on my side and got Mike back for me after Greg stole him. Then I protected Mike with my life.
The bad thing about being small is that no matter what I do to protect something, anyone can just pick me up and carry me away. Which is what happened. Greg picked me up (along with Mike, my blanket and my sweater) and carried me to my room and tossed me onto my bed. Then he took Mike.
I'll steal it back.
I would have tried to right then, but it was 3:30 AM, and very much past quiet hours.
Tomorrow I'm waking up at 9:30 so that I can make everyone a pancake breakfast at 10:30.
Then I will read.
Like MAD.