Mar 28, 2009 23:17
My dad trying to be sincere is kind of hilarious. That was his way of telling me that our family will stick together no matter what, and nobody is going to fuck with us. I was so confused when he said that we're Italian because we're Indian. LOL I guess Indian families aren't know for being as badass and hardcore? As hilarious as that is, though, later he told me that I am his heartbeat and I started bawling. I know he called because I spent money at the Lone Star on Thursday and yesterday I spent more money buying my eisel. He's devious and sneaky and made me feel bad for thinking that the money was his concern. I know that it is, it always is. But he just has a way of going from the bad guy to the super nice guy. So... I sufficiently feel like a brat.
Anyway... I got his call while coming out of Anne Frank...
which was AMAZING!!!
Guys, I was so enthralled that when the store below was broken into and Peter fell on the floor, I gasped really loudly. Peter was played by Emily's frosh. His name is Aaron and he is sooooo adorable. He was all awkward and cute as Peter, I loved him. And Anne was played by such a great actress. In fact, the entire cast was amazing. Mr. Frank was such a sweetheart. I almost cried at one point but I didn't because I said a mental mantra of "I will not cry. I will not cry." I'm so glad it came together so well. The costumes looked great, so kudos to Emily and Amy!
Oh, but my parents were thrilled to learn that my love for Bollywood had been rekindled. Omkara is such a great fucking movie. It's 3 hours well spent.