Apr 05, 2006 19:56

I know April Fools Day is over, but I played a prank at work today.
There's a computer in the room next door with a fan that's been broken for three weeks. At first the alarm was an intermittent cricket sound that wasn't too bad. But for the past week it's been an annoying BEEP BEEP BEEP that we can hear through the ventilation system. I could even hear it through headphones, depending on what music I listened to. Since it's an important computer, it was never shut down.

Last night I got a tape recorder and taped the BEEP BEEP BEEP for forty minutes. I was going to set the tape to play somewhere, like inside the case of another computer, but the tape recorder's speaker is broken. So I digitized the sound from the headphone output. Then I decided to author a DVD with the sound and set it playing in the conference room, but this morning I read they were going to do something about the bad computer, so I didn't want to go that far.

So I took this video, stripped off the opening applause, and made it so that it played 4 seconds of the song, then BEEP BEEP BEEP for a minute. I emailed the new video to everyone. The guys nearby thought it was hilarious... "cutting-edge humour". People farther away from the annoyance didn't get it, but at least now they know what we had to deal with.

(EDIT: An excellent story about pulling a prank to get results is here)
If you like "the anime" or "the manga", you should check out this week's VG Cats and last Monday's Penny Arcade. (The DouJinshi Code) The PA one is a followup of sorts to a strip last year (also done after their trip to Sakura Con) that was also pretty funny.

Also funny: CAD.
Guu-esque (They should just let Dom take over the strip.)
You should read this comic if you like breathing.
(On another note, I'm so glad Oceans Unmoving is over...)


webcomics, work

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