На вчерашнюю
A serum silver level was 423 nmol per liter (reference value, <10). A diagnosis of generalized argyria was made. Generalized argyria is caused by systemic silver exposure leading to an irreversible darkening of skin pigmentation. The changes in skin color are most prominent in sun-exposed areas, because sunlight catalyzes the reduction of elemental silver. The patient had had no meaningful silver exposure in his decades of work as a waiter. He did not use silver-containing products, such as colloidal silver. No other residents in his apartment building had had changes in skin color. On discharge, the patient was referred for further toxicologic evaluation. Ultimately, the source of silver exposure was not identified.
ага, ага...просто не раз встречал в практике лечения разных проблем с простатой, что мужчины пьют разную айхербню. При этом, осознавая глупость подобного поведения, категорично не признаются. КДПВ, с моей точки зрения, наиболее вероятная причина. В моей практике пациенты принимавшие коллоидное серебро во внутрь, траплялись.