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slavazavadsky December 22 2015, 03:09:57 UTC
а вот и вру. В Альберте где уровень чуть повыше среднего но все равно меньше чем у нас - ежегодный для всех кроме тех кто живет в браке без измен
• Universal screening is recommended in all individuals engaging in sexual activity outside of
mutually monogamous relationships.
• High risk persons should have annual screening. Screening may be more frequent based on
local epidemiology and/or presence of symptoms suggestive of infectious syphilis. Individuals
at higher risk for acquisition of syphilis include persons involved in sex trade, MSM, injection
drug users, street involved, homeless, multiple sex partners and their partners, persons with
other sexually transmitted diseases and their partners, and persons with HIV infection.
• All pregnant women should be screened for syphilis during pregnancy. Screening should be
performed in the first trimester for all pregnant women and again at the time of delivery.
• For pregnant women at high risk of acquisition or re-acquisition of syphilis during pregnancy
(e.g., active sex trade) they may require more frequent screening, e.g., monthly. This includes
o who have had contact with a known case of syphilis,
o who are sex workers,
o who are street involved/homeless,
o who are injection drug users,
o of Aboriginal ethnicity,
o with multiple sexual partners,
with HIV and other STI,
o originating from or having sex with an individual from a country with a high prevalence of
o living in areas experiencing outbreaks of heterosexual syphilis,
o with sexual partners of any individuals with the preceding characteristics, and
o victims of sexual assault.


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