Tokyo, Japan / キッチンスタジアム (Kitchen Stadium) / Saturday Night

May 28, 2011 19:12

She had found Robin.

Yurika was just going to glee a little bit more about that. She had found Robin!

...okay, Robin had found her, and she hadn't been at her best, but still. The little pyro was alive. Sakaki was back in the office, albeit on crutches, and Karasuma and Micheal were up to full speed. She hadn't been able to convince Robin to come back, but now she had a search area to go with.

Which meant Yurika was taking the damn night off. Point of fact, she had threatened to cook for whomever called her phone before tomorrow afternoon. She and Romeo were going out, dammit, and this was possibly the most unusual date they had come up with.

And the most entertaining.

"Tonight's mystery ingredient is.... PEPPERMINT CANDY! Allez cuisine!"

Yurika just grinned and leaned back in her seat. "This is awesome."


romeo, tokyo, off-island adventures, undercover girl, yay boyfriend!, omgflail!, yurika is being naughty

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