Room 503 - Thursday Evening

Mar 05, 2009 15:17

Dōjima was feeling a bit better after her chat with Hannibal, even if she did still want to shake a certain poet senseless.

It was not, however, enough to lessen her desire to binge on more junk food as she went over the handouts from today's Thaumaturgy class, and wince slightly at the meanings and uses of liliesWell, no one had ever tried to ( Read more... )

room 503

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withoutverona March 6 2009, 00:25:49 UTC
Romeo waited in his room until he heard footsteps, the opening and closing of Doji's door, and what sounded like they might be happy noises across the hall.

Then he dared leave his room and tap tentatively on her door. "Dojima?"


dojima_hime March 6 2009, 01:02:48 UTC
There was a startled 'eep' from the other side of the door, and some rustling as she proceeded to almost trip over herself and the flowers. "Hai!" she yelled. "Yes! I mean, just a second, ah - it's open!"


withoutverona March 6 2009, 01:27:47 UTC
He let himself in slowly, bashfully. "They got here?"

Brilliant observation, Romeo.


dojima_hime March 6 2009, 02:09:40 UTC
She gave him a wry half-smile and gestured around the room. "Really, aijin? Did you buy the whole store?"

He wasn't forgiven yet, but a girl would have to have a heart of stone not to appreciate this.


withoutverona March 6 2009, 02:24:44 UTC
"As much of it as I thought would fit on your side of the room," Romeo admitted unabashed. "And I didn't write the poem, but I thought that one fit nicely. If I had more, I would give you more."


dojima_hime March 6 2009, 02:30:11 UTC
"You don't have to give me lots of things," she sighed making space on the bed for both of them to sit. "Don't get me wrong, I like the flowers, a lot, but...I can't just pretend this whole thing didn't happen. I can't. I'm still mad at you."


withoutverona March 6 2009, 02:44:34 UTC
"I wanted to give you things as a start," Romeo remonstrated, taking the seat. "I know we have a long road to walk, before you even think of trusting me again."


dojima_hime March 6 2009, 02:49:49 UTC
"It's a good start," she said softly as she touched one of the flowers. "And I do want to trust you, so I guess that's two steps in your favor."


withoutverona March 6 2009, 02:54:07 UTC
"If I asked you for a picnic on the roof, anytime you want it, could that be a third?" Romeo asked, watching her carefully.


dojima_hime March 6 2009, 03:07:15 UTC
There was another little half-smile, and she ducked her head under the pretense of playing with one of the roses to hide a small blush. "Maybe," she allowed. "I think that depends on how the picnic goes."


withoutverona March 6 2009, 03:18:49 UTC
He blushed a little, a pleased smile crossing his face. "Sunday night?" he offered. "We will see then."


dojima_hime March 6 2009, 14:26:30 UTC
"Monday," she countered, not exactly willing to let him set the rules for this. "And yeah, we'll see."


withoutverona March 6 2009, 15:12:06 UTC
"Monday," Romeo agreed. He'd have to close the shop early, but the shop wasn't usually so busy, anyhow.

He glanced over at her, not sure if he should say more or if he should leave before his welcome was entirely worn out. He was a bit short on pretty words just then.


dojima_hime March 6 2009, 15:26:38 UTC
Yurika picked at her blanket, unsure of what kind of small-talk was supposed to come after something like this. 'How's Angela?' 'How's Ben?' 'How long are you grounded for this time?' Yeah. Right.

"What time do you want me to swing by?" she asked instead. "Or should I wait for an escort?"


withoutverona March 6 2009, 15:32:03 UTC
"Wait for an escort," Romeo answered instantly. "If you don't mind. I want to win you back properly, as much as I can."

There was a fascinating thread on his cuff; he twisted at it. "I don't want you to ever think I think I can take you for granted, at all."


dojima_hime March 6 2009, 16:14:27 UTC
"I don't mind," Yurika answered. "It's Monday night, it's not like I have other thrilling plans. That's why I picked it."

"It might take more than one picnic to convince me that you don't take me for granted," she admitted hesitantly. "I mean, well... you got married, Romeo, and I still don't understand how I got forgotten so easily. I don't know if I want to understand."


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