Nov 30, 2004 19:26
that in a community when someone forgets or simply doesn't use the lj cut, sixteen stupid people have to immediately pounce the post with comments like "You killed my friendslist. Please use an lj-cut." and "& to add to the bitching {sorry] please lj-cut." and "LJ-CUT. Man, people." ??? Can't the last 15 be arsed to check the comments to see if someone has already complained about it? Fucking lazy assed, stupid people. I hate them. Here I go clicking on the comments link because there's 16 comments and I think they might have had something interesting to say but, instead, half of them are either bitching about this poor person who didn't use a cut or bitching about the people bitching about the poor person who didn't use a cut. Dude, if you don't want your flist page fucked up by huge images, use the fucking placeholder feature. It's there especially for whiny fucks like you. And easily aggravated fucks like me.
/end slightly manic transmission