RE:Eid Karim!

Dec 30, 2006 10:22

To the Ummah..
Kulliam wa antum bikheir
Joyous Eid salah and festivities!
Remember always in times of desperate sadness and despair, when are enemies seem to enjoy taking even our last thread of dignity... Allah SWT says that He is closer to us than our jugular (carotid) vein....Alhamdulilah!
We must internalize(myself included) the message of Ibrahim(AS), Hajar(RA), and Ismail(AS). Muslims willing to make great sacrifices for habibAllah. may Allah SWT make the iman of the Ummah stronger with every slam to our rights, our bodies, our deen, and our beloved Mu'alim and Prophet(SAWS).
Wa salaam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatoh!
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