sitting becalmed in the lee of Furness

Nov 18, 2005 22:44

Yes, I am doing homework and eating Chinese food and watching Whose Line Is It on a Friday night instead of going out and party hopping and getting so crunk that I kiss homeless people and pass out on the toilet. Some may call me crazy, but I am content with my moo goo gai pan and my Wayne and my livejournal. You know why I'm so content with this situation?


I am so ready and so excited. I just need a break. Just a break where I can home with my family and boyfriend and friends and eat turkey and garlic mashed potatoes and gravy. And lets not forget the other 12 people that will be at my house for Thanksgiving! By 12 I mean 8....but that's a lot. I'm leaving Tuesday at 4:27pm which will get me home at 9:10pm. I am so there.

I have so much homework this weekend that I'm getting some of it out of the way tonight so I won't kill myself this weekend before I go home.

I signed up for my audition yesterday. It's Monday, the day after we get back from break. I signed up at 10:24pm because that's my birthday, so I figured that would bring me good luck. I'm getting really nervous. I need to finalize what I'm singing and finalize what monologue I'm doing. Then memorize that monologue and work on them both. Patty pretty much told me my chances of being cast in a musical are slim to none because there are a lot of female upperclassmen that haven't been cast and Charlie will want to cast them in the ensemble of Grand Hotel which is what I want to do. I just want to be a "perky little dancer" in the chorus, as Patty put it. I just want to be cast in something next semester!!

There are a lot of movies I want to see this holiday. Lets name them, shall we? Ok...if you must know...
1. Prime
2. Harry Potter
3. Shopgirl
4. Rent
5. Chronicles of Narnia
6. Pride and Prejudice

Anyone wanna give me movie gift certificates for Christmas? Excuse me...Hanukkah. Yes, Hanukkah actually happens the exact same time as Christmas! Amazing, I know, that that holiday actually exists...and at the same time as Christmas?? Noooo....nothing else can happen at the same time as Christmas. I love Hanukkah. I rock at dreidel...anyone wanna challenge?

I feel like I should be at Terra right now practicing but it is just too cold for me to go outside. I think I shall stay in my warm apartment...that is being shared by a mouse....named Herbert. I could try to make my English Toffee cappuccino that I got from the dollar store. Do I dare?

If I die on my dollar store cappuccino mix, someone eat my share of mashed potatoes.
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