I am not really built to post every day

Aug 28, 2013 00:35

I have a quarter-sized round bruise right in the middle of my jawbone. W.T.F. I cannot think of a single thing that could have caused an amazingly purple bruise to show up right on my jawbone. It had to have happened yesterday, because I actually thought it was a giant cystic pimple trying to show up, so I put some peroxide on it and went to bed, and it turned purple over night and keeps getting MORE PURPLE. This is especially great as I am supposed to meet people from my code bootcamp on Thursday evening, and ... awkward first impression? IDK, you guys. Also, I'm really not good enough at makeup to successfully conceal it.

This entry was also posted at drunkoffthestars on dreamwidth.
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my rl: let me show you it, mysterious injuries

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