DJ got me falling in Love- Twenty Four

Mar 14, 2013 15:39

The image of that scene is still burning in the back of his eyelids when he sees you emerging from the bathroom, hair damp and creamy skin looking so soft under the balmy light.

Kyungsoo's eyes are on the TV but his mind is stuck on the scene just now.

He wonders what will happen if he had closed the distance.

Are your lips as soft as it looks?

Will it taste sweet like the chocolate that's still lingering in his mouth?


He takes a sip of water from his glass.

You are pushing the buttons on the remote, willing yourself not to glance in the deejay's direction. He has opted to sit on the armchair facing the TV and you, on the bed.

His heavy coat is off, composure casual.

In the exchange just now, you noticed though he's not tall like Kris, his body is lithe, hands nimble and eyes sparkling up close when he snatches the plate.

Too close.

Your breath hitches at the memory.

As much as you want to deny it, the male has a startling effect on you.

Whenever he's around, you feel oddly safe and secure. You've probably told him more personal things in the past one month compared to say, Zitao and Kris put together. And who are you kidding? The deejay has a boyish charm that's attractive even from the first time you saw him.

Although abrasive and aloof at first, he's been letting up a lot more these days. The random glances he throws you is just downright disconcerting, not to mention the smiles that makes you momentarily forget how adamant he is in preventing you from learning the recipe in the first place.

Right. The recipe.

The sole reason for him being even remotely nice to you is probably because he thinks you'll be gone by the end of the month.

He and Baekhyun had booked the hotel room.

A hotel room.

What is supposed to happen in a hotel room?

The two are definitely an item.

Which means...

You chide yourself for even trying to think of the impossible. He's not going to like someone like you. Heck, does he even still like girls?

"Are you really watching that?" The melodious voice of the deejay jolts you from dreamland.

You look up to stare at the screen.

"Oh, er..."

It's the movie, Inception.

"Yeah, why not, I've never watched it before. Have you?"

Kyungsoo wants to say yes, he's watched it and not once, but three times. Twice because he really likes the movie. The third being Jongin who insisted he watch with him again because he was working on a tour when it came out and everyone else had watched it except for him.

But he's finding it hard to refuse you, something which seems to be getting quite the norm nowadays.

"Erm, sure, we can watch it."

Though it's an impromptu decision, you find yourself getting absorbed into the storyline 15 minutes later.

Kyungsoo, having almost memorized the entire movie by now, entertains himself by watching your reactions. You are mostly focused and quiet, occasionally letting out gasps and cute little noises. The more he observes, the more he feels you're really just a child, forced to mature too quickly under circumstances.

You do not exhibit the same child-likeness with strangers, always putting up a stern, professional front. He wonders whether he should feel privileged for being one of the few to witness your rare bursts of spontaneity.

Even now, seeing you unreserved and at ease with the surroundings, is doing weird things to his heart.

He wishes you don't have to go by the end of the month, because he's not quite sure how to go about remaining friends (are the two of you even friends in the first place?) after you leave the house. Should he call you up and ask, "Hey, want to go for lunch?". It's just plain weird after all that has happened.

But he can't bear the thought of not seeing you for the rest of his life either.

Just when he's still drawling on his thoughts, the movie finishes and you let out a breath.


"It's good?" Kyungsoo asks.

"It's mind blowing. And confusing. But I guess it's kind of nice?" You make to go to the bathroom because throughout the two plus hours, you haven't really moved except for sipping some plain water.

But the screen is attracting your attention again.

"Oh! Brave is showing next! I haven't watch that either."

"You don't really go to the movies much, do you?" Kyungsoo remarks, though not unkindly.


You don't say that's because movies are extravagant with your meager earnings and plus, Youngjae isn't much for movies and you don't like to watch them alone.

"But it's getting late..." You muse, glancing up at the wall clock. It's 10:25 pm and the two of you still have work tomorrow. Though the deejay gets to wake up late anyway but still... "Maybe we should go back."

"That's alright. I don't have to get up early for work. Do you want to go?"

You hate to be the one making decisions here because no, you don't want to go, you want to watch the animation in the comfort of the ultra silky soft bed and air conditioner that's not cranky like the one at home (funny how you are calling it home) and you actually like the company of the male.

Despite having practically zero conversation since the movie started, you like it when he's around and if you're totally honest with yourself, you don't want the night to end just yet.

Sensing your hesitation, the deejay states, "We can stay if you want to, the room's been paid for anyway. It'd be a loss if we don't make full use of it while we can."

That seems to do the trick.

Of course you are not one to give up on freebies, since you seldom get them. And such an indulgent one at that too.

"Ok... You're right. But I don't feel comfortable in these." You've been in the same garb for half the entire day and it won't be a problem if not for the cheap polyester poking at your skin. The red winter top was on sale and you even got three of them in different colors without trying it on. Too late for regrets now.

"If you don't mind..." Kyungsoo moves from the armchair towards the desk where Baekhyun's gift package lays. "You can always change into these pajamas. At least it's more comfortable?"

You eye the cartoon character garment in his hands, perusing your choices.



There's still 20 minutes before the movie starts so you take the time to go for a quick shower before changing.

However, the moment you step into the bathroom suite, you change your mind. The place looks so white and clean and inviting and if this isn't the first time you get to step into a real jacuzzi tub. You feel oh so pampered and couldn't resist but run a bath for yourself.

You rub some liquid soap between your palms and washes them in the water to create little bubbles. It's not quite like a bubble bath, but close enough. You play with the water some more, listening as the liquid sploshes and whooshes beneath your hands.

It's nice.

You submerge yourself in the tub, feeling weightless, the warmth enveloping you and tension in your shoulders easing out with each passing second. The hollowing sound beside your ears calming and therapeutic.

Just when you are thinking how long it will take for your fingers to get creases, Kyungsoo is getting fidgety in the other room and knocks on the door.

"Ga-eun ssi, are you alright?"

You take a second longer than intended to answer him.

"Y-Yes?" You quickly drag yourself out of the bath, your body hovering with the sudden change in gravity. "I'll be out soon!"

Grabbing the nearest towel (it's really fluffy), you dry yourself off and changes into the pajamas.

Kyungsoo feels a sense of relief when he hears your voice. For a minute there, he was worried you've gotten hurt. You've had more than one incident for him to suspect such and what will happen if he's not by your side anymore?

To take his mind off that thought, he grabs the remote control and starts channel surfing.

It's also because he's distracted that he doesn't immediately react when the explicit scene comes on. He only registers a male and female coupling in a shower stall and the lewd ah... ah... before reality smacks him and he fumbles with the remote to change the channel.

The image of that scene is still burning in the back of his eyelids when he sees you emerging from the bathroom, hair damp and creamy skin looking so soft under the balmy light.

He gulps.

"Sorry I took so long. What are you watching?"

Kyungsoo stutters at your question. "Er... N-Nothing, just surfing."

You nod, toweling your hair absentmindedly. The male is suddenly glad his best friend got both of you Pororo pajamas because he can't imagine what it'll be like if it's something more... Clingy.

"Has the movie started yet?" You ask.

"Er, no, I don't think so." He makes to trace back the movie channel but remembers he'll have to pass that erotic scene... "Do you remember the channel number? I think I clicked too far back."

"67, I think?"

He duly presses the buttons and sure enough, "Brave" comes on.

Excitedly, you plop onto the bed beside him and Kyungsoo's body goes into immediate alarm mode because your smell, your skin, your body, it's too close too much.

A radar is going off in his head and he subconsciously jerks an inch away from you.

"Is... Something wrong?"

The puppy eyes you are giving him is not helping his situation and it's taking all of his will power to not pin you onto the bed and do some unspeakable things to you.

He doesn't trust himself to say anything so he only shakes his head.

"Okay, because if you want to leave now, we can still do so." You lower your gaze and the male panics.

"No! I mean, we can stay the whole night if you want to." He answers rapidly.

"But if you're feeling forced we can always..."

"No! I'm not... I want to stay here."


You look at him with those hopeful eyes again and heck, if it's not doing all kinds of crazy things to his already hay wired system.

"Y-Yeah." His answer comes out in a breath.

You cast your eyes down shyly and utters, "Thanks."

"Ye?" He's slightly confused.

You glance up again. "I said thanks, for everything."

The two of you lock gaze, both searching for some kind of comprehension beneath those eyes.

It's hazy, but budding.

Lingering, then falling.

The movie dialogue slowly fades into the background and suddenly everything converges to only become you and Kyungsoo.

No paparazzi business, no odd marriages, no test... This is simple and unadulterated.

Something both you and him can take,

will take...


A crash from the movie scene jolts the two of you back to reality.

You blink.

Kyungsoo doesn't, his owl eyes now twice their usual size.

The air suddenly feels too heated.

"I... " His mouth speaks for him even before his mind begins formulating anything concrete. "Think I'll go for a shower."

Grabbing the Pororo pajamas, the deejay makes a beeline for the bathroom in record time.

You blink again.

Did he just... Tried to kiss you?


Kyungsoo is taking sharp breaths and willing himself to calm the hell down.

What just happened back there?

He curses lowly because he almost kissed you and the strange thing is... You don't seem to be objecting. If anything, the look in your eyes suggests that you might actually want it as well.

But then again, Kyungsoo thinks he's never been good at reading women so he can't really be sure.

In the meantime, there's a growing problem in his pants that he's got to take care of first.

Kyungsoo turns on the shower head at full blast, strips himself quickly and steps in.

The cold water shocks him but it's not unwelcome because he thinks he needs the wake up call. When has he turned into such a horny bastard?

Get a hang on yourself there, Do Kyungsoo. Right. Breathe in, breathe out.

When he's done calming down and shivering a bit from the cold, Kyungsoo pulls on the pajamas and steels himself before heading out.

This is all physical, he tells himself.

You've just been on your own for too long and it's perfectly natural to have such desires. You want a girlfriend, not a wife.

Not her.

He's still psyching himself out when he spots you lying sideways on the bed, face serene and mouth slightly agape in steady, deep breaths.

You are asleep.

Kyungsoo thinks that's the most adorable thing he's seen.

Making his way as soundlessly as possible across to the bed, he sits down beside you, the bed dipping down under the weight and causing you to stir lightly. Kyungsoo holds his breath but you don't wake.

Letting out a sigh, he relaxes and lays down beside you, studying your long black lashes against the pale pink of soft cheeks.

You're naturally beautiful, in a non-flamboyant way.

He sighs again, pulling the blanket under your chin and himself.

Just a while, he supposes.

He'll just rest for a while.

Chapter 25

kyungsoo fanfic, dj got me falling in love

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