DJ got me falling in Love- Twenty Two

Mar 02, 2013 13:10

"It's... Pororo pajamas, I'm just... Excited to see the pajamas."

The cold is chasing the nape of your neck.

You tighten your cheap beige cashmere coat around you, picking up pace to slip in between the building's brass double doors.

The view that greets you is strange.

A white modern acrylic reception desk sitting at the end of the long hallway looks like it belongs more in a restaurant than hotel. The place is bright, new age meditative music playing in the background and a faint, cedar smell drifting in the air. A large East Asian painting hanging in the middle of the wall. Very zen, you conclude.


The neatly suited man behind the counter is smiling, but his eyes tell of a different story altogether behind the supposed mirth.

He reminds you of the two bodyguards that tackled you sometime back. You shudder inwardly from the memory. Now isn't the time for cowardice though.

"Hi." Boldly, you step forward and initiates eye contact. "I want to reserve a room?"

The man expresses a peculiar look.

"I'm sorry but I think you got the wrong place, Miss. This is a restaurant."

It's your turn to be baffled.

"Isn't this the Yoke?"

"Yes, it is. But we are a food establishment, serving some of the most, if I dare say so myself, best cuisines in entire Seoul. Would you like to reserve a table?"

He pauses, a swift scan up down, his measured smile still unwavering. In your experience, you know he's a perceptive one. Either you worm your way in now, or he's going to call the security on you. That is, if he's not one himself. Those huge hands look like they won't hesitate to snap some slender, puny neck.

"I'll... Like to reserve a table." You tread carefully.

"Do you have a referral?" He's still smiling.

"A... " You trail off.

Shit. Why didn't Tao tell you anything about this?

The expression on his face turns into something more patronizing and troubling.

"I'm sorry, if you don't have any referrals, I'll have to ask you to go."

"Wait! I ah... " You pull out your phone to dial Zitao. He's your best shot now. "I'll make a call now."

The man wears the same plastic smile whilst you wait for the call to engage.

Damn damn damn! Huang Zitao! Why aren't you ever picking up the phone when I need you?!

After the second failed attempt, the guy moves from behind his desk toward you. He's taller than it seems back there.

"You'll better go, Miss."

The tone is polite, but cautionary.

You force yourself to remain calm.

"Can't I... Just wait here?"

The guy flashes a sneer.

"May I ask who told you about the Yoke? We know all our clients."

Shit. What do you say?


Kyungsoo is glad he didn't drive too far off before he notices the paper.

He feels like a stalker but he tells himself it's just to return you the note, well, just in case you can't find your way to the place? The deejay finds himself standing outside brass double doors and when he pushes in, a sprawling hallway with quiet music and aromatic incense welcomes him.

He sees you facing the receptionist, phone in hand.

After this short period of acquaintance with you, he recognizes the slight tension in your stance as you utter something to the man. What follows is something he doesn't quite acclaim to.

The guy is closing in on you, radiating a predatory air.

Kyungsoo flinches. And moves in.

"Choi Ga-eun ssi."

You stiffen up at that voice.

It brings you relief and anxiety at the same time.

What is he doing here?

"Kyungsoo ssi..."

The deejay with pretty doe eyes and full lips comes into view. Black coat, red and white plaid shirt accenting relatively fair skin. His expression tight and gaze questioning.

He puts himself between you and the receptionist, effectively blocking off the man's looming presence.

Suddenly, you can breathe again. Without realizing it, you inch closer to the deejay.

"Is this the dinner place?"


Shit. He's not supposed to know.

"Do you have a referral?"

The receptionist asks Kyungsoo, seemingly affable again, a flicker of recognition evident in his eyes when he bows to the deejay.

You wonder whether the male has been here before, and maybe he has the code? You give him a hopeful stare.

"A referral?" Kyungsoo frowns, his gaze flitting from the man back to you.

His rationality is screaming at him to drag you out, but then you are looking at him, dark brown orbs wide and pleading.

He feels his initial resolve melting by the seconds and a guttural instinct telling him to stay.

"Yes, a referral. The Yoke is a highly esteemed establishment, and to get a table, you need a referral."

A referral? Cheongdam-dong?

Something clicks and the deejay is suddenly thinking of kohl eyeliner and chatty mouth paired with tall giraffes.

It's a long shot but...

"Er... Rookie?"

You don't know what is it that he has done but instantly, the receptionist is all smiles and genuine cheer as he ushers the two of you to a door behind the counter.

What is going on?

"Your friend has been telling us to expect you." He notifies as the door opens up into a tiny lobby, decorated the same way as that of the hallway, with carpeted black polyester.

Kyungsoo feels himself reddening at the statement.

Darn, he'll never hear the end of this once Baekhyun finds out he accepted his referral.

What has he gotten himself into?

He groans inwardly and notes your curious scanning of the lobby while waiting for the lift.

Kyungsoo is itching to ask you what the hell are you doing here, but then the receptionist passes him a key and starts to talk.

"This is the key to your level. There's only one occupant at every level and your room is number 212 on the 21st floor. We'll be bringing you the welcome gift as directed by Mr Byun shortly. Enjoy your stay."

You are grousing silently to yourself about the tight security when he directs his apology to you.

"I'm sorry for all the inconvenience caused just now, Miss. It's our policy to make sure no others know of this premise in order to maintain it's exclusivity and confidence."

The male bows and you return the reverence, muttering a quiet, "It's okay."

However, when he straightens up, there's that same guarded glance again.

Kyungsoo senses your discomfort under the scrutiny and decides he doesn't like it.

He deliberately drags an arm across the back of your waist and you freeze at the contact but doesn't dare move.

"I didn't hear Mr Byun speaking of impertinent staff here, else I wouldn't have brought my very sensitive partner over." The deejay's voice is stern and the receptionist recoils visibly at the reprimanding.

"I'm so sorry, Mr Do. I'm really very sorry... " He bows repeatedly and judging from his expression, you can tell that the act worked.

The male is still bowing when the lift opens with a melodic ding and the two of you filter in. Kyungsoo inserts the key and presses the button to the 21st floor.

Once the doors close, you attempt to slither away from his hold but he suddenly pulls you into a firmer grip. You gasp and is about to open your mouth to protest when the deejay catches your gaze and prompts you to look up.

There's a security camera at the side. Oh.

You shut up.

His clutch loosens at your compliance and as the lift ascends, you can feel the awkwardness emitting from the male. Kyungsoo's breathing is stressed out and uneven, your slender body right under his fingerstips making him flush red.

You are not faring any better because the deejay feels warm and much too close.

His body is pressing lightly against yours and you feel each rise and fall of breath he takes. That, and he smells faintly of soap and vanilla, the pleasant combination making you slightly heady and heart thumping faster.

When the lift slows to a stop and opens, the two of you hesitantly step out. His arm drops as both of you march silently to the stipulated room.

He sticks the key in and twists the knob, pushing the door ajar to reveal a huge, posh suite.

The room is decorated in modern contemporary black and white. White painted ceilings. Black painted walls. Except for the side the white king size bed is leaning against, which is faux white brick. The furniture is black. Black bedside tables, black dressing table, a black desk opposite the bed with a huge plasma TV hanging above. There's a laptop on the desk.

The heater is on and the padded grey carpet soft underneath your feet.

You wander in, momentarily bedazzled by the sight when you hear the door clicking to a close and the deejay hissing.

"Do you mind telling me what are you doing here?"

Snapping out from your awe, you feel your anger swell at the tone and swivel to face the male. "And what are you doing here?" You bark back.

Kyungsoo grimaces. "I saw the note you left behind in the car and thought I should bring it to you, in case you can't find the place you are supposedly meeting with your friend."

He pulls out the paper from his pocket and you gasp, feeling your pockets and realizing it's not there anymore.

"So, what are you doing here?"

"I..." You blink several times. This is definitely not the time you want to give yourself away. You fathom you can at least tell half of the truth. "I was following someone..."

Kyungsoo makes a face. "Following someone?"

You gulp.

"It's... My ex-boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend." He repeats intently, waiting for you to continue.

You turn away from him.

"A friend told me he saw him here with his partner."

"I... Don't get it. So, why are you following them?"

"To see the person he left me for."

Kyungsoo opens his mouth but closes it again because... He doesn't really know what to say to that.

Sensing his falter, you go on the offensive, hoping it'll banish his remaining doubts on your little secret.

"Well now that you know, are you happy? You should have known when you saw me at the lobby that I've already found the place, why are you still dabbling in my affairs?"

This doesn't go down well with Kyungsoo because he's worried about you, that's why. But he can't possibly say that, so he lashes out, temper matching yours.

"Because you look like you're poking your nose in dangerous business and if we really get married at the end of the month I won't want such a scandal on my hands!"

You are stunned for a millisecond.

So it's really his reputation he's thinking about huh?

"Well, you won't ever have to worry about that because I'll never tell Madam Park I've already learned the recipe!" You bite back.

Kyungsoo is struck speechless with this. He never thought you'll say that.

He should be relieved but why isn't he feeling so?

At this moment, the door bell rings and a knock ensues.

Both of you try resume looking calm and Kyungsoo takes a deep breath before opening the door. A service staff bows and passes him a big blue package.

"This is the welcome package from Mr Byun, if there's anything you need, just ring up the lobby and we'll have someone tending to you. Have a pleasant stay."

He bows again and takes his leave.

You are wondering about this "Mr Byun". There's only one Mr Byun you know the deejay is acquainted with.

"How do you... Get to know this place anyway? It looks like it'll cost half a month of my pay cheque just for one night."

"You're probably not quite far from it..." Kyungsoo answers, flipping the lid of the package open to see Baekhyun's delicate handwriting on a note.

Dear Kyungsoo, here's a congratulations present from me and Channie... Use it well! And don't worry about the $800 hotel bill because I've already told them to charge it under my account (I know you'll freak out at the price so I'm telling you first). Where can you find such a good friend like me right? I know, you can thank me later - Your awesome best friend.

He snorts at the message. Oh, there will be some thanking to do definitely.

"It's $800 per night..." He informs and you gasp. "Baekhyun already paid for it though. And he was the one who told me about it. It's my first time here as well..."

Baekhyun paid for this hotel stay? So the two of them are supposed to come together? Why did he prepay it then?

As you are still pondering, Kyungsoo places the note aside and pulls out the garments inside the box.

There's two sets of Pororo pajamas, a large size and extra small one which he presumes is for the two of you.

Kyungsoo smiles at his best friend's cheesiness. Well, at least he remembers he likes Pororo. He shrugs and is about to put the clothing back when he notices another item inside.

Upon closer inspection, Kyungsoo freezes because... It's a brand new pack of condoms.

He gives a short wheezing sound and you step over curiously to see what he's fussing about.

"What's that?" The deejay squawks and flings the pajamas over the item to hide it.

"N-Nothing... Just P-Pororo." He stutters.


"It's... Pororo pajamas, I'm just... Excited to see the pajamas." He explains hastily.

You nod, thinking that the male must like Pororo very much to have such an intense reaction to it.

"Baekhyun ssi asked them to give you this?"

"Erm..." Kyungsoo swears if he ever gets his hands on the singer, he'll wring his pretty neck so hard even the giraffe can't stop him. "He suggested coming here for a night of... You know, stay-over, a break and all..."

He finishes lamely, briefly contemplating the possibility of making his famous friend disappear from the face of the earth with the least commotion.

You reach for the clothing and Kyungsoo speedily passes you one, furtively burying the condoms further under the other set of pyjamas.

"It's a tad small..." You position the shirt over yourself. "I didn't know he's so tiny?"

Kyungsoo licks his lips nervously. "Maybe Baek got the wrong size."

"Ah... This... Is originally meant for the two of you right? The gift and the room... Can't we, just tell the reception we're not staying anymore?" You mutter sheepishly as you fold the pajamas back into the box.

"Aren't you... Going to find your ex-boyfriend?" Kyungsoo swallows. He can't quite identify the strange discomfort in his chest.

You remember the keys are assigned to individual levels and even though Chen is two floors below, you are unable to access the area. Besides, you can't possibly do any snooping with the deejay around.


Kyungsoo feels slightly puzzled at your answer.

"Isn't that why you are here though?"

"Yes, but I don't think I want to know now." You manage out.

Despite his uncomprehension, Kyungsoo can't help but feels relieved at hearing this. He doesn't know what to make out of your expression though.

Are you... Sad?

He spots the leather bound file on the desk with the word "Menu" embossed on it.

"I'm hungry. Let's have dinner first." He thumbs it open. "Look, there's beef!"

He glances up at you in earnest and you suddenly feel a twist of guilt because is he trying to make you feel better?

"Well... I..."

He peers at you hopefully.

You sigh. It's just dinner right?

"Ok then."

Chapter 23

kyungsoo fanfic, dj got me falling in love

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