DJ got me falling in love- Sixteen

Jan 30, 2013 15:17

Two scoops.

Kyungsoo hasn't meant to be so curt towards you.

But somehow you always seem capable of riling him up at the slightest thing and the deejay is perplexed with how little control he has over his own emotions when it comes to you.

It's the same when he followed you that one time into the alley. Kyungsoo is generally a reserved person who minds his own business, but there's just something about you that intrigues him immensely.

And now, he's actually feeling a little sorry for not giving you the complete recipe. He's been hearing your clamoring in the kitchen for the entire day, and though he really should be feeling irritated for the interrupted rest, he just can't bring himself to tell you to give up.

He convinces himself that it's only karma coming back to bite him in the ass for all his meddlesome curiosity.


After two more failed attempts that night, you find yourself in front of the Provence bakery flagship store in Seoul the next morning, feeling stirred and determined.

There's already a decent crowd outside the bakery when the doors open at 8:15 and you jostle in, making your way to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, but may I help you?" You are stopped by a short, elderly woman dressed in the bakery's beige uniform.

"Oh, I'm Choi Ga-eun, I'm here to cover a story on traditional bakeries in Seoul?" You flash your reporter's card (albeit a bit too quickly for her aged eyes) at her.

"Ah... But our boss is not here and I'm not sure if..."

"I've already obtained the clearance from Madam Park herself and she told me it's okay. If you want, you can call her to check?" You lied, hoping the old lady will find it too tedious to actually do the verification.

You don't want Madam Park to think you're getting "enthusiastic" about learning the recipe when all you want to do is just prove the stupid deejay wrong.

"Ah, if that's the case, then welcome in." She gives a warming smile.


"So, what are you covering on?" The elder weaves through the small kitchen skilfully and you struggle to keep up.

"How bakeries maintain their authenticity during these tough times... It's good if I can actually see how you go about baking the famous Provence baguette?" You whip out your recording pen for the sake of looking professional.

"Oh, you're just in time! We're baking our first batch of baguettes and they'd be ready within the hour. We always bake them fresh you know." She leads you to the main counter. "But do forgive us, we can't reveal the recipe to you."

"Ah, that's okay, I understand." You nod brightly, thrilled at the aspect of seeing the professionals at work... And maybe finally getting the recipe right.

"Here we are, Chef Kim and Chef Jung will show you how to do it."

The two elderly men incline their heads and you bow politely.

As they show you how to knead and pump up the dough, you diligently jot down all the new information in your notebook, taking care to ask any questions you have prior.

Argh, no wonder I felt that the dough was too sticky...

Hmm... This is to test the elasticity...

Oh, so you have to punch the air bubbles out of the dough? I can do that...

You suddenly imagine the deejay's face as the punching bag and sniggers to yourself.

"You seem really interested in baking, Miss Choi?" Chef Jung, the more chatty one, asks.

"Erm, I'm learning but I'm not very good at it." You admit.

"I see... Are you learning baking for a loved one? It makes things so much better, you know?" He smiles benevolently.


The only thing remotely related to love in this situation is that you'd love to see that smug look wiped off from the deejay's face.

"Not.. Exactly."

The elder nods and proceeds to show you the proper way to score the bread.

An hour later, you emerge from the store with a freshly baked Provence baguette and pocketful of ammunition for your long-awaited retaliation.

Biting off a piece of the crust, you snicker to yourself.

Ooh... Revenge is sweet.


"This is like, the third day you are bringing in your handmade baguettes into the office, Ga-eun. I hope you haven't been neglecting your work for domestic hobbies like these."

Kris waves a piece of the bread for emphasis whilst standing at your cubicle.

"You can always discourage me by not taking one every time you pass by." You huff, attempting to snatch back the loaf, but your boss is a 1.86m giant and you are a 1.58m midget. It's a doomed battle from the beginning.

"Oh, I would have, if only the aroma of fresh bread is not so deliciously enticing and also 'cos I haven't eaten my breakfast."

"But both you and Zitao still said the other baguette is better. I don't get it, what did I do wrong?" You slump back dejectedly in your chair.

Kris gives a crooked smile.

"You'd get it in the end, I'm sure. Just remember to bring in the scoop."

He sashays back to his office and you stare at your computer with a glower.


You hear Zitao's low hissing.

"What." You answer dismally.

"I got what you wanted."

The raven haired male sidles up from behind you and passes over a thumb drive. You snap it up with a wide grin.

"You are the best, Huang Zitao!"

Hurriedly, you slot the thumb drive into your computer and loads the images.

"Don't tell Kris hyung I'm helping you with this ok, he'll kill me and then chop me up into pieces to feed to his two dogs." The photographer mutters with a shudder.

"I know, I know, Zitao, don't worry."

You click and zoom in on one of the photos. Ah... So that's where the heiress was going.

"Why are you still on Chen's case though? I thought Kris hyung forbade you to follow this case already?"

You gaze at the boy with an intrepid grin.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Bringing in the scoop of course." Turning your attention back to the screen, you utter with conviction.

"Two scoops."


"You have been looking at the same screen for the past half an hour. Are you alright?"

Kyungsoo jolts from his musing to see his colleague, Minseok, beaming at him from the side.

"Y-Yeah, just.. Tired, I guess." He replies and rubs his face.

It's happening an awful lot these few days. Weird thoughts of slim, dainty hands and proud looking eyebrows set on a pretty face and tight expression.


"By the way," His colleague's voice drops into a secretive whisper. "Have you heard?"

"No, what haven't I heard?"

Kyungsoo is not the gossiping kind, but the subject change is a welcome to his obliterating sense of logic.

"There's a rumor, that the new heiress from ES Entertainment is running a high class social escort service for the rich. Son Ye-seul and Sunny G are amongst the names being mentioned."

Kyungsoo quirks an eyebrow.

"Yeah, shocking right? And the clients involved are said to range from the political to the educational sector, all authoritative key figures. If any of them are found out, it'll cause quite an uproar in their respective industries. As it is, they've already taken some extreme measures on a few gossip magazine agencies to stamp out the rumor. The new heiress being from the mafia, and Chen, her boy toy."

"Chen, the ballad singer?"

"Yeah, no wonder he rose to fame so quickly..." His colleague clicks his tongue in distaste. "And to think I used to kinda like him when he was still under the tutelage of Ga-eun ssi."

Kyungsoo's ears prick up at the mention of your name.

"Ga-eun? Choi Ga-eun ssi?"

Minseok bobs his head affirmatively.

"Yeah, that pretty artiste manager. She quit before the new heiress took over. I heard it's because Chen two-timed her with another woman in the same company. Such a shame though, she's a really nice person..."

Kyungsoo doesn't pay attention to the rest of his colleague's rambling, because all he can think of now is, had he judged you wrongly at the club the other night?

Chapter 17

kyungsoo fanfic, dj got me falling in love

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