1. Danny
2. Emma
3. Marcy
4. Piggy
5. Chase
6. Merrie
7. Matt C.
8. Suzie LaRue
9. Gordon
10. Laurie
11. Joe
12. Mallory
13. Monica
14. Thomas
15. Boswell
16. Matt T.
17. Sam H.
18. Maura
19. Jenni
20. Mark A.
Who is 8 dating? Me... or no one.
Is 9 a boy or a girl? Boy
Would 11 and 12 make a good couple? *giggles* No
What about 18 and 4? Pish, course.
What grade is 17 in? Senior
When was the last time you talked to 12? Saturday. At Joe's Party.
What's 6's favorite band? Um... Does Johnny Depp singing in POTC count?
Does 1 have siblings? Yup only one.
Would you ever date 3? Already have... >.> <.<
Is 16 single? No! He's got Rachel *pinches cheeks* so cute
What's 4's last name? Piggrem
What's 14's middle name? Marcy'sbsexslave (<--- one word you know.)
What's 10's fantasy? *grins* A boy I know.
Would 14 and 19 be a good couple? Maybe they would *ponder ponder*
Random fact about 11. Oh! His middle name means Godfather in Italian! Gostafada! *grins*
And number 3? She used to liek a 5 yr. old. *halo appears*
Have you ever had a crush on 13? *snickers* no, sorry.
Where does 9 live? 5 minutes from me.
What's 4's fav. color? Green if he knows what's good for him.
Are 5 and 6 best friends? They were married once, does that count?
Does 8 like 19? They've neva met.
How did you meet 15? Lunch table Sophmore year.
Does 10 have any pets? no?
Is 20 older than you? mmm hmmm... i think.. maybe?
Have you ever given 13 a hug? YES!
Is 2 the sexiest person alive? pish, course.
Additional questions: (because it's not fair that they didn't get any)
Don't you just love 7? Yeah! *sings* I like to move it move it, I like to move it, move it
Doesn't 17 have the best hair? No! Mine's better b/c it's cobwebby... mmm cobbwebby goodness.
Do you love 1? With all my heart.