..I don't....I dont know what to say?How do you sum up years of your life into a summery and be content with that?How do you sum up any proof of your children's existance into this entry and etch their existance and their memory into everyone else's mind, how do you keep their faces from fading in your mind?How do you keep the photo from not
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Breathe zaccy breathe. Everything will be ok, it has to be. Just breathe please zac don't leave me too.
How does a man goes from 4 kids down to just one in a matter of hours?How?God...I..how?I...how do I do this Taybear? God..please...help me.They all are gone..they aren't coming back Tay..it isnt just a dream,I woke up and woke up and woke up and it was still true..all of it...its all really happening *bawls and bawls and bawls his eyes swollen and bloodshot*. I was suppose to protect them.Maybe I should have taken her more seriously?Maybe I shouldnt have yelled at her and was too hard on her?
*rocks back and forth crying* tay...taytay...I NEEEEEEEEEEEEED YOUUUUU, I NEEEEED YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!*howels*
Just hold on for me zaccy. Hold on.
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