I hate, part one.

Apr 03, 2007 20:58

I suddenly can't remember why I keep an online journal.

I'm not sure I want to delete it now, but maybe one day soon.

Today's life-affirming post is going to include a list of things I hate:
1. American Idol and anyone who watches it.
2. Anyone who thought that the "D" in the Disney logo was actually a backwards "G" (you think I'm kidding, there's a whole facebook group dedicated to these assholes)
3. Rene Zellwigier
4. People who don't appreicate sarcasm
5. Sitcoms that aren't Scrubs or Friends
6. Being in NSB longer than a few weeks
7. Being in NSB without Jessica
8. Men who need to grow a pair
10. Men who waste time becasue they can't just spit out the words, "I like you".
11. Girls who steal guys from their friends.
12. Girls larger than a size 8 who wear bikinis
13. Anyone without ambition.
14. Anyone afraid of adventure
15. Reality T.V.
16. Most Chick Flicks
17. Pretentious Film Majors
18. People who aren't intelligent
19. People who smell like gym shoes
20. All convienence store workers in the city of Chicago
21. Excuses for why you CAN'T do something.
22. Bad kissers, and that being said- bad kissing includes (but is not limited to), bad breath, too much spit, out of control toungs, etc..
23. "Very liberal" people
24. "Very conservative" people
25. Winter weather
26. Bad actors
27. Bad movies
29. People who refer to 'DBCC' as 'DBU'
30. Anyone who reads this and says, "This isn't the Ashley I remember"

I'm not really having a bad day, I just felt like this post would help me feel a little bit better about life. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It has. Ahahaha. Wow, I do feel much better-hmm I'll have to do this journal thing more often I suppose.

Suck on that,
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