The Bottle of Vinegar on My Counter

Oct 25, 2013 16:14

Image by gokoroko

Am I posting an article about a vinegar bottle? Yes. Yes, I am. That is the depth of my love for this thing. For years, I have had a heavy duty spray bottle of vinegar sitting on or under my kitchen counter. It is filled with about 2/3 white vinegar and 1/3 water and I use it for pretty much everything. It replaces most household cleaners in our home. (Though I do prefer Ecover tub and shower scrub and their toilet bowl cleaner for their assigned jobs).

Veggie wash - just spray it on fruits and vegetables, wipe and rinse clean. It's a great way to wash organic kale. I spray it on both sides of the leaf thoroughly and then rinse it off. For fruits and veggies with skin, I just soak them in a sinkful or tub full of vinegar water for a few minutes and then rinse clean, but for individual fruits and veggies, this is ideal. It's easy to spray a handful of lettuce or green onions and get them thoroughly clean.

Glass cleaner - I use it like Windex to clean windows and mirrors. It will leave a foggy residue that dries in about a minute to a crystal clear shine. Some people use newspaper to wipe glass, but I can't afford newspapers, so we clean with cotton rags.

Floor cleaner - I got the idea after watching an Amish woman in a documentary cleaning her floor. I have a mop with a terry cloth covering over the end. I quickly spray the area I need to mop with my spray bottle, let it sit for one minute, then dry mop it up with my terry cloth mop. Sparkling clean and I didn't have to break out a bucket of nasty water or make the floor slippery. It's quick and easy and my kids can come into the room immediately when I'm done. It's also much safer than using detergents.

Spot disinfection - Occasionally, my cat will bring in a dead mouse or a friend's toddler will pee on the floor during a playdate. I've even dropped raw meat. I just break out my vinegar spray bottle and spray the area before wiping it up. Vinegar is an excellent disinfectant and I have even heard rumors that it works better than bleach. (Though for full disinfectant properties, I would suggest using your vinegar full-strength without the water added.) I can also use it to spray our baby toys after a LLL meeting or playgroup just in case any of the children mouthing them were sick. We had an incidence once with hand, foot and mouth disease and the vinegar was a lifesaver. I just pulled out my bottle and sprayed everything down once we found out. Luckily, no one got sick.

All-purpose cleaner - I use vinegar to clean pretty much everything in my home including floors, counters, glass, toilets, sinks, walls computers and monitors, grime on desks and screens. For things that need scrubbing such as bathtubs and toilets, make a scrubbing paste by sprinkling baking soda on the area and then spraying with the vinegar spray.

Mold killer - Vinegar kills mold and here in Hawaii, we have a lot of it. It shows up on wooden toys, behind furniture, on leather and on bamboo. I break out my vinegar bottle, spray and wipe and it does a great job of removing the mold and killing what's left behind.

Mosquito repellent - sure, it stinks, but it does work, about as well as any natural brand of mosquito repellent. Spray it on your skin and wipe and you can head out to the garden with fewer nasties bothering you. The smell does dissipate once it dries.

cleaning, home care

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