(no subject)

Jul 07, 2007 01:10

i am happy to share my glucojel jellybeans... just not when i near my last few... the final 3 are infinately more satisfying than the first thoughtless gulps..

the world is full of egocentric ppl who can't understand why they would not be enough to satisfy me...

if i was dumped...i guess i would want to know why: "because i am with someone far hotter than you. i've stopped looking".


Every time I go out, I'm more and more aware of my age and the aging process... I'm no longer the finger licking' chicken I once was... I'm the old hen. The tough meat. It cuts, but that's the circle of life. I'm just glad I wasn't born a retard. Seriously. I had my few years of shining...and I'm still a top chick.


Bec is a hotty. IT WAS that first smile that hooked me line and sinker. I was. That stunning, genuine grin. So sexy, I just wanted to bask in it. I did. And it is fantastic.
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