OOC: Stats & Permissions

Oct 18, 2010 11:02

Name: Asch
Age: Seventeen
Height: 171cm (5'6")
Weapons: Swords
Favorite Food: Chicken
Occupation: (ex) God General

@ splendorocity
  Tenna Villa in the Castles & Estates district

• Arrived at Splenda

4th WALL BREAKING: Go for it! He's taken post-death so nothing is going to surprise him at this point.
THREADJACKING: Totally okay with it. Just make sure whoever else is involved is okay with it as well.
BACK THREADING: YES YES YES. I'm pretty slow myself so I'll never hold it against you if you want to backtag!

MIND READING: As long as you don't abuse it/harass him with it I'm okay with it. But bothering him with it is a-okay. He needs to learn how annoying it was for Luke to be bothered by him. >:D
LOCATION SENSING: It might bother him, but if you think it'll be appropriate for the situation then I'm okay with it.
TELEPATHY: See "mind reading" above.
SPECIAL/MAGICAL ITEMS: Tales games are filled with tons of silly items and magical trinkets so he'll be able to react to them if used on him.

FIGHTING CAPABILITIES: He is very good at it. LOL Asch was the Special Ops Commander in the Order of Lorelei back in his homeworld and taught to fight by the Commandant himself so he knows how to handle himself in a scuffle.
INJURY/DEATH: Asch just LOVES pain!! He's pretty reckless so him getting hurt is definitely going to happen. I'll draw the line at death though. (I don't really like playing that out...)
WIN/LOSE/TIE: Despite constantly losing to Luke numerous times during their lives, he's actually quite a formidable opponent- but that's not to say he can't be beaten though! Wining, losing, and draws are all applicable to Asch. (Just don't expect him to be happy about the latter two.)
MEDICAL/PHYSICAL INFO: Oh boy. So Asch suffers from a condition called "Dissonance," an effect of Fomicry where the original (of an original/replica pair) has their Fonons escaping from their body. This basically means Asch, as time goes on, is becoming weaker and will suffer from this until the "Big Bang" occurs (read: dies). Though he's been revived here at Splenda and never actually went through the process of the Big Bang before being stabbed to death, he wasn't cured of his terminal illness.

ROMANCE/RELATIONSHIPS: HA! Ha ha ha ha haaaa. Unless you an adorable princess with four names and a horrible cooking skills then Asch isn't going to even give you a second look.
SEXUAL RELATIONS: Ain't gonna happen.
PHYSICAL CONTACT: Umm, unless you want to get punched I suggest you don't. :')

ANY TRIGGERS/SECRETS/FACTS YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW ABOUT: As of this writing we don't have a Luke in-game but if one ever comes around please take note that Asch and Luke are EXACT copies of each other. So feel free to mix them up, call him on that, mistake them for ~*BROTHERS*~ or whatever. It'll piss him off but honestly, what doesn't at this point?

splendorocity, ooc

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